@National Basketball Association

[Kevin Durant] To all you nuggets fans, nobody gives a fuck who yall lames believe is the best player in the league, players got major respect for Jok, we don’t worship him like yall do but most are in awe of his brilliance. Trolling you cornballs for rooting against us is apart of the game.

To all you nuggets fans, nobody gives a fuck who yall lames believe is the best player in the league, players got major respect for Jok, we don’t worship him like yall do but most are in awe of his brilliance. Trolling you cornballs for rooting against us is apart of the game. Deal wit it

Link to tweet

by nguyenjitsu


  1. Elementary_Penguin_

    KD tweets like my 13-year old cousin

  2. Deathstroke317

    Bro is trying to win a gold medal and is surrounded by athletic baddies in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, yet he’s on Twitter fighting with trolls, KD is a true 1/1

  3. TheKyrieFan

    He is actually doing this for the love of the game lmao

  4. StormSaniWater

    Forty year olds tweeting like children. KD is a weird man lol.

  5. Dfrmdabeach7

    It’s going to be an awesome Xmas day in the NBA

  6. Some dudes disappear after they retire. My guy KD is going to be 10x more active on social media cooking people all day once he’s done lol.

  7. chief1555

    Nothing says “nobody gives a fuck” like writing an entire tweet about it

  8. notathrowaway2555

    It’s corny but he’s kinda right though. Like obviously jokic is a really damn good player but nugs fans in this sub glaze him like he’s the second coming of Jesus

  9. Swift_42690

    Mr sensitive bus rider at it again early in the morning lol

  10. As a Serbian I really like Jok,and I was pretty sad last night when we lost… for about 10-15 min. Then I went on with my usual stuff. I really think getting so worked up about players that earn millions is weird,especially since those players themselves don’t care that much about that and respect each other. Even Bogi who would trashtalk LeBron and Melo in the game hugged with LeBron in the end. In the heat of the moment they probablysay shit,but it’s mostly respect between them.

  11. Lopsided-Carry-1766

    Bro forgot to switch accounts again.

  12. ThirdEyeKaiii

    It’s crazy how Jokic stans have become a fairly large cult in recent years. Are there really that many graph porn lovers out there?

  13. Ok_Translator4447

    I understand him. I get having your favorite player in the league, but you hate some of the team USA players so bad that you’ll root for another country because your favorite player is on that team? Isn’t Denver in the united states? You can’t cheer for Jokic but also cheer for your countries team?

  14. gtdinasur

    Kevin Durant is an insecure man baby. How tall is he again?

  15. PM_Me_Your_Mustash

    He doesn’t have kids or a family, so he ganna spend all his free time clapping back to internet nobodies

  16. International_Link35

    I can’t fathom how he has this much time to scour social media for his ‘haters’. Phenomenally talented and equally insecure. Do you, KD.

  17. GawldDawlg

    They are so in his head, it clearly bothers him that there are a bunch of Americans that like Jokic more than his American counterparts lol

  18. Sorrowful_Panda

    I would say himself, Lebron, Steph etc have more “worship” tier fans/journalists/podcasters whatever that guy is than Jokic?

    And his earlier tweet about questioning “where u from?” not really a surprise if a nuggets fan is rooting for serbia over their home country in this single event after 10 years of Jokic and there being 0 nuggets on team usa, hypothetical world if one of the USA big 3 were foreign and they played against team USA in the olympics would be alot more americans rooting against usa than yesterday… not that deep.

    As mentioned good example is bunch of americans rooting against noah lyles..and probably bunch of americans were rooting for other global stars in other olympic events over americans past or present. You can’t tell me majority of americans weren’t supporting Bolt back in the day

  19. Yellowperil123

    KD just loves basketball. And to talk shit about basketball.

    He literally doesn’t give a shit about anything else. Did you catch how excited he was to play that semi final? Pure hooper.

  20. bro is insecure about Jokic having a better legacy than him already

  21. I don’t know what’s funnier, the tweet or how insecure KD is.

  22. They should be embarrassed about that pathetic flop attempt at the end of the game. US getting buckets while they were looking to be bailed out.

  23. MixonWitDaWrongCrowd

    This is KDs Super Bowl now that he won’t win another title

  24. BulkyWorldliness8051

    KD’s real game starts after the 4th quarter 

  25. Green_Finance5116

    KD just doesn’t understand the bond between ugly mediocre skinny fat white dudes and the ugly elite skinny fat white dude they worship

  26. ShichikaYasuri18

    Called out all the American Nuggets fans for rooting against us 😂

  27. lLikeCats

    If I was KD I’d be fucking pissed too. Jokic didn’t have to join a super team to win. He won on his own team his own way.

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