@Los Angeles Lakers

KD remains undefeated on Twitter, putting Nuggets fans in their place

For context, this all started after a Nuggets fan had tweeted saying they were rooting for Serbia to beat Team USA. KD then replied with “where are you from?” 😂 This final tweet was the culmination of that exchange. KD is absolutely right in my opinion, if you are going to root against Team USA you most definitely deserve to get trolled on for losing lmao. That is the nature of Sports and apart of the game. Love seeing Nuggets fans crying 🔥

by thrwaway23456nbayb


  1. Kangaroo4203

    The concept of countries is cool but we’re all one at the end of the day

  2. CezrDaPleazr

    Na KD weird for this, alot of NBA fans have different cultural and ethnic backgrounds but also ride for their team or player more than they do a country.

  3. pargofan

    Who’s KD even talking about? Were there a lot of Americans in Denver rooting against USA in basketball?

  4. PhiloSufer

    apart = separate — unimportant but a common mistake

    he means part of the game

  5. Own-Photo7078

    USA! USA! USA! USA! …. except Fuck Boston!

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