@National Basketball Association

Serbian president Lukic and Bogdanovic upset about officiating

Bogdan Bogdanovic: “We tried to talk to referees; they didn't try to talk to us, but it's ok. The USA doesn't need that type of help against us. We didn't have that type of help when they were grabbing us with two hands and all that. We played the best we could.”

For my two cents, I thought the physicality the refs allowed the Serbians to play with was disparate to what the US was allowed throughout the game and the Embiid play is not a travel at any level of ball, imo. I thought the six point play was a blatant foul by Jokic, but the rule is odd. However the LeBron play has to be a defensive foul or carry and it's crazy they didn't call either and Durant very possibly was out of bounds.

Do you think their complaints are legitimate?

by 55555_55555


  1. Agile-Tomatillo-6625

    The serbians were pretty physical in this one.

  2. Final-Luck-4222

    Twitter should do its thing and let users tweet back all the calls that Serbia got away with.

  3. zOmgFishes

    I mean if refs called all of Jokic’s elbows and pinning a defender’s arm when he goes up, their best player would have fouled out by the 3rd. The refs weren’t why they were winning through 3 nor were they the reason Serbia blew the lead.

  4. BabaBrody

    Where is that post from before the game yesterday about the Bosnian ref assigned to the game who grew up watching Serbia’s coach and would definitely take care of them.

  5. 039jmunna

    AD’s arm was getting was hooked every time he tried to guard jokic those mfs should not be tweaking about calls

  6. TheDeadman95

    Australia got more handicapped by the refs against them than they were last night. Neither one was bad enough to cry about refball deciding the game.

    Americans tightened up the defense, you couldn’t keep hitting whatever shit you throw up, a better team won. Stop bitching, wipe your tears and get ready to play Germany

  7. Doobie_Howitzer

    “Jokic should be allowed to shove anybody at any time for any reason!”

  8. buffalotrace

    Or hear me out: don’t have one the all time choke jobs. Missed open 3 after open 3. Jokic just tired af and not able guard a soul. 

    Refs didn’t cost them the game. Them playing 3 quarters in a 4 qtr game did. 

  9. Superb-Pie-9382

    womp womp

    Try to flop better next time

  10. Visible_Writing7386

    He is such a populist and this is embarrassing. I’m sure the players feel the same. Can we just all move on to tomorrow’s games..

  11. hookahsmoker69

    Such babies lmao. Imagine if US was up and they were doing things to delay the inbound like Serbia was (they even started tying their shoes lmao). How much time did joker waste doing that shit? Unsportsmanlike as hell, now crying about refs. Such clown baby loser mentality!

  12. Scot-withoneT

    I wouldn’t have allowed that much physicality in the game but they’ve allowed it all tournament. There were multiple instances where you had A to B contact, which resulted with bodies on the floor without a whistle, that can’t happen.

  13. jawntothefuture

    I remember Bogi jumping into Embiid Brunson-style and he got the and-1 call. The refs, if they had any favorites, sided much more with Serbia

  14. RansomGoddard

    The game was physical both ways. You can easily compile a ton of uncalled fouls by the Serbian team which included a ton of those Jokic illegal picks disguised as a roll where he pushes the defender towards the basket to leave the shooter alone on the perimeter which made for a ton of Serbia’s open 3s. AD got into foul trouble because Jokic kept hooking him. The refs even gave Serbia an obvious make up travel call after they complained about Embiid.

    But at the end of the day, the saying always goes that the basketball gods will always give you a chance to win the game if you play it. They had multiple missed wide open 3s that otherwise would have put away the game. The Americans made their shots.

  15. PeanutButterOtter

    Bogdanovic talked all that sh*t, his team choked and now he’s blaming it on the refs. 🤣

  16. SnortMcChuckles

    The level of physicality allowed to the Serbs was what put the Americans off for a good 2/3 of the game. You didn’t lose because of the refs but because of team USA’s late adjustments and because you all got tired from the pace you set but couldn’t keep up.

  17. DEEZLE13

    Has anyone asked Bogdan about the and 1 he got by jumping backwards into Embiid?

  18. Jokic was hooking arms like prime Hitler. He should of fouled out with 7 mins left in the 4th. Conspiracy to let the Serbs play super physical all game? Waaaah waaaah

    Man up babies, its ridiculous to think this was rigged for the USA after watching that game. Hope you see some actual home cooking in LA 28

  19. fishyishy1

    This is just a general question, but are the rules for moving screens different in FIBA? It seemed like Serbia was never set on a single screen, looked like they had a team full of Bogut’s and Draymond’s out there.

  20. siderealmaterial

    The game I watched had a few questionable calls for both sides but tons of no-calls that favored Serbia. Serbia was constantly getting away with moving screens, holding and very physical play. Jokic was repeatedly battering bron with his body. Literally just hitting bron over and over and at the end Bron got whistled for the foul. Sour grapes make sour wine.

  21. Not-a-bot-10

    Anyone remember the play where they did call a travel on Embiid? I want a replay of that, because that was NOT a travel. Serbia’s coach complained so much they got a free whistle and they’re still bitching

  22. watevauwant

    They can’t complain since they got the golden whistle verse Australia

  23. Master-Pie-5939

    Serbs def got away with a lot the first half to three quarters of the game 😂 cry more

  24. cryptoAccount0

    There’s always gonna be missed calls. They had the lead for 3+ quarters, and they blew it. They went something like 0/10 from 3 after their last make. Gotta play all 4 quarters. Natural to be salty after coming that close, tho.

  25. foogeyzi69

    i was rooting for you guys. the reason you lost was bc yall went 0/10 in 3’s in the 4th.

  26. Euphoric_Emu7105

    You’ll definitely need some cheese with all that whine

  27. IsThisMe8

    Does Bogdan usually complain to the refs? It felt like he was going up to them at every single call.

  28. Bewilderbeest79

    I shit you not, I have never seen so many moving screens before in my life as I did committed by Serbia.

    Some of these looked more like blocks than screens, as their feet moved the entire time and the refs never called it. And yet, Serbia(!) is complaining about officiating???

  29. N0rTh3Fi5t

    The only calls that I feel iffy about were the technical and the 6 point play.

    The T cause I can’t know what was said, and there have been very few times in my life I’ve seen a T called and been happy about it.

    The 6-point play was definitely a foul, I just don’t know that the timing was right for it to be handled like it was. Nobody on the mics seemed sure either.

    Other than that, there were definitely calls that could have gone the other way, but I think that applied to both teams. The calls did help swing the momentum, though, so I can understand being upset even if I don’t agree it was rigged.

  30. Shaqtacious

    Serbs were getting away with a lot for 75% of the game. If we’re keeping it a 100, Jokic should ve fouled out of this game. But hey, it goes both ways.

  31. vibraslapchop

    Their coach was in the field of play for most of the game idk why they’re so mad.

  32. date_a_languager

    For a fanbase that recently exudes Joker’s blasé “I have plenty of things I care about beyond basketball and awards,” I’m starting to suspect they **do** in fact bitch like the rest of us when things don’t go well on a big stage lmao either reaction is fine in my book, but you can’t have it both ways.

    Bog leading the charge as a player is wild. Especially with his ass dialed-in, looking eazy-breezy and still deciding to jaw and mock an Olympic legend like Melo. Who wasn’t even involved beyond being there for his guys in a tough game from the floor seats. [Mf was expeditiously counting every last chicken before they hatched before the first half was over and shrinking well after a “travel” 2-point play that doesn’t even account for the 6 point play to force a timeout when Jokic got his fourth foul 🤷🏾‍♂️](

  33. Independent_Sky5726

    The Serbia head coach was in the middle of the court for 99% of the game too, the refs repeatedly told his ass to back up 😂

  34. _segamega_

    all of a sudden this subreddit is in peace with referees. just wait for season to start and witness the change.

  35. Sfpuberdriver

    The reach in / arm bars on every US break were pretty bold to be complaining about officiating lol

  36. Prestigious_Value534

    What about LeBron getting hacked only 4 layup and not getting called for and 1s. The flops, the Serbian coach on the court, Serbia taking too much time inbounding (unsportsmanlike), Jokic blatant offensive fouls (elbowing and hooking arms), Bogdanovic elbow on Embiid for the and 1 (should’ve been an offensive foul).

    Additionally, 0/10 from 3 in the 4th (3 wide open), ball slipping out of hand, missing easy layups, bad turnovers WILL make you lose the game.

    This was not a ref mistake, this was a CHOKE JOB.
    They need to reflect on their own performance rather than blaming refs.

  37. KiwiVegetable5454

    Serbia played the game of their life for 3 quarters & went cold the 4th. Blaming the refs always makes me lose respect

  38. Jimmy-DeLaney

    The Serbs were insanely physical throughout the game. They are just salty they couldn’t shoot the ball in the 4th. Plenty of open looks that quarter that didnt fall. That is the main reason they lost and what they should be salty about

  39. Sartheking

    Did we watch the same game because the refs were letting them be very physical for most of the game.

  40. ottespana

    Did they watch France vs Canada? This was nothing near that level of bad officiating

  41. Aromatic-Position-53

    Jokic is G as hell. The best out there. But these two are in denial. They’re were bad call both ways. Serbia were rude and on their face. They’re delusional. Makes sense when your ego is that big.

  42. realfakejames

    Refs had nothing to do with that game, anyone who watched it with a brain knows they were letting the Serbians get away with plenty of contact

    Serbia had more free throws until they intentionally fouled Steph with 8 secs left, before that in the 4th quarter there were 3 free throws and Serbia took 2 of them

    In the fourth quarter Serbia had 6 fouls called on them, the US had 5

    Anyone who thinks the refs are why Team USA won is either coping like Bogdan, lying to push an agenda or doesn’t know what they’re talking about

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