@National Basketball Association

(2008) LeBron checks out a college game (NCSU vs Davidson) and is impressed by Curry’s long-range clutch 3pointer.

(2008) LeBron checks out a college game (NCSU vs Davidson) and is impressed by Curry’s long-range clutch 3pointer.

by WhenMachinesCry


  1. Biglundtry

    I remember this it’s when I became a fan one of the most entertaining runs by an underdog outside of when Duke almost lost to the Hayward heave.

  2. TheBrazilianKD

    Is there anything more electric than Broken-Play-Curry?

  3. rliteraturesuperfan

    Lol Dude missed that open corner 3 by like 10 feet at the beginning

  4. Little did LeBron know, this little fucker was the difference from him having 7 or 8 rings.

  5. ChadPowers200

    his teamate came up and gave him a little slap ass

  6. Inserted LeBron 81 point meme of him knowing Steph would be a 4 time champion

  7. Intrepid_Walk_5150

    Kid, keep working on those 3 pointers. One day we’ll need them for a mission in Paris. Don’t ask.


    Curry was electric at Davidson. And when he came into the league, he struggled with so many ankle injuries. For a while there, I thought he would be too injury-prone to be a great player. It’s been amazing watching his career.

  9. SmitherPablo

    And LeBron turned to his friends and said, “That man right there is gonna cost me a couple of champions, but win me another gold medal.”

    Edited: Metal to medal

  10. One of my enduring basketball memories is watching him play UNCG in Greensboro in, oh, this would have been February of 2008.

    Greensboro played a really good game as a team. Probably better than Davidson as a whole. It legitimately looked at times like they were going to end Davidson’s undefeeated run in conference play.

    In the end though…. it just didn’t fuckin’ matter. Davidson scored 83 as a team. 41 of those were scored by Curry. It just didn’t matter who was guarding him, what the defensive look was, what the situation was, where he was on the court.

    They *ran* an offense. They had a guy playing point who was actually pretty good at moving the ball. They had some perfectly fine small-conference dudes hoisting threes on the wings. That team didn’t really have a credible big man, I guess. But they were a perfectly fine SoCon squad as a whole.

    It was just that whenever anything seemed at all in doubt it tended to end with Steph Curry getting the basketball. And when he got the basketball, they scored. End of.

  11. AshlandJackson

    Virginia Tech fans just fell to their knees in a Kroger.

  12. Alarmed_Recover_1524

    I still can’t believe we didn’t offer him a fucking scholarship at VT

  13. freeman1231

    Why did that man come and hump curry from behind lol

  14. djhashimoto

    This is bringing me trauma from when this dude lit up georgetown in 08

  15. How does lebron look totally the same after all these years

  16. BadGolf27

    We just going to ignore Curry’s teammate running up behind Steph for a quick pump then running away?

  17. SasquatchDoobie

    reminds me of the time that batmat threw a pizza on walter white’s house and spider man had to come and clean the grease stains out of the gutter

  18. Courseheir

    I wonder if young LeBron around this time ever wished he spent a year in college.

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