@Golden State Warriors

Is this the greatest heat check of all time?

This mf rlly passed up the all time Olympics points leader and the all time NBA all time points leader to shoot a double contested fadeaway 3 in a close game and made it

by Morg_2


  1. Most-Meal-4260

    By far. It was the greatest shot I’ve ever seen and I watch all his games lol

  2. caldude1985

    Great shot. Greatest point guard ever

    However… I’d have to look at the tape again, but my memory says the shot clock was nearly over

    But who cares! He’s our guy!

  3. junglefryer88

    He passed it to KD first, and KD passed it right back

  4. planvigiratpi

    Warriors FO watches Steph get double-teamed in a line-up with KD/Bron/DBook and thinks we can succeed with Wiggins/Kuminga/Draymond

  5. introvertedguy13

    It is. The OKC shot was insane but imagine the stakes here.

    You have KD and LeBron open and he decided to shoot a fade away three pointer over two defenders. Imagine if he missed and France was able to get back and won.

  6. bluewire516

    Whats a better shot? Him taking this or one of those other guys taking a wide open 3?

  7. jonnyeatic

    He had already made 3 3s before that point and with the shot clock winding down and not much flow to the offense in the last 5 minutes I think he had to shoot it. It was nuts. I thought it was horrible shot. But Steph does Steph things.

  8. Incredible! Super happy to see SC30 put on a shooting clinic when the pressure came (Serbia & France)…

    GSW Pride as he’s our guy on the world stage! He did not disappoint… The greats show up when it’s time…(Not discounting the other greats by any means.)

  9. AZSharksFan

    I’ve played enough NBA Jam to know it was the correct choice to shoot

  10. nbaaccountobserver

    Nothing to it, in the crunch best player should take the shot

  11. blessed_by_fortune

    KD already knew, and James was fan boying hard.

  12. This might be his GOAT shot.

    Like the double bang was amazing.

    But 3, 3, 3, WTF 3


  13. ImOnTheRoadToRuin


  14. moreVCAs

    I stg that thing passed *through* Batum’s hand. Like ball and hand shared the same coordinates in space at the same time just slightly out of phase. Crazy.

  15. What about the shot that took out the pelicans after the miss with seconds to go

  16. Rjamesjjr

    Like Curry said in his post game interview when asked about the shots. ” Get to your spot and be under control, you’ve taken those shots countless times in the gym. You have faith in it and let it go… You live with the results.”

  17. Certain-Resolve

    He is the greatest showman in the NBA

  18. CookieMonsterNova

    what will go unsaid and u recognized is that kerr called the same play three times on the three curry threes

    he tugged on his ear to signal the play to bron and steph each time. and each time was get it in steph’s hands and either kd or bron sets the screen and go from there

  19. InevitableBudget510

    Normally most players have heat checks in the middle of the game. In a close out game in the final minutes for the gold, this is most definitely the greatest heat check of all time.

  20. Successful-Wasabi704

    What a dilemma for France. Gotta leave LeBron and KD open because this alien is skyfucking the universe and still there’s absolutely nothing you could do to stop it. Lol.

  21. ProfessionalDry6518

    Warriors fans been watching him do this shit for years! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

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