@Los Angeles Lakers

Still don’t know why we traded Schroder 😑

Still don’t know why we traded Schroder 😑

by SeerOfCosmos


  1. aginglifter

    Underrated loss both times he left. Way better than Gabe.

  2. Proof-Umpire-7718

    We didn’t trade him, he left in free agency. The Raptors promised him a starting role so he chose to leave.

    We then replaced him with Gabe who can’t really be judged from last year because he was mostly injured.

  3. Last_Operation6747

    To make it better we traded a current all defensive team defender for him and now we don’t have either. Let Pelinka cook!

  4. QuaxlyDaDon

    We didn’t even trade him. Dude left twice. Don’t forget that we offered him 80+ million the first time and he turned it down

    I’m not missing his triple single against the Nuggets at all.

  5. motorboat_mcgee

    Unfortunately he wanted more of a role, so he took the Raptors offer – which, obviously didn’t work out the way he wanted I don’t think. Hopefully Vincent is healthy this season, I think we missed him and Vando more than people are willing to admit

  6. justredditting1010

    If we make a deal with the nets, Dennis has to come back

  7. Prestigious_Value534

    First option vs fifth option. He’s not an off ball player. He’s a facilitator. You need to be able to shoot threes consistently if you are in a team with LEBRON.

  8. MK-Prime89

    Still can’t believe how much💰Dennis turned down, lol

  9. Dennis is cool till you need him to shoot a 3 and he’s just standing there loading up his cross bow

  10. ValuableAssociate8

    Schroeder not winning us no championship

  11. TorontoRaptors34

    Revisionist history this sub act like ds was caruso he not a playmaker, hes not a shooter, is undersized and was inefficient asf. He is a nice hustle guard otb hes not a good fit with Bron or AD. 

  12. TorontoRaptors34

    A lot of role players get a boost when its FIBA DS gets the ball

  13. Did yall forget how much he stunk in the playoffs? His second stint was better but that was after he realized he was a borderline starter.

  14. goatnxtinline

    The funny thing is we actually tried to give him an inflated contract

  15. Still don’t know why we traded KCP and Kuzma and let Caruso walk

  16. lamontraymond

    He turned down an $84 million contract… And had to sign for the minimum at the Celtics… He’s the idiot.

  17. elboogie7

    awesome backup, but not quite a starter on a chip team

  18. high-on-avocado

    You’re still not over him leaving?

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