@Denver Nuggets

This has gotta be a joke

There's no way 5280 beat the black rainbow skyline

by emomuffin_


  1. Sprinklewoodz

    Black rainbow is our best jersey of all time imo. Pretty surprising results.

    Edit: I guess since it’s on Instagram that skews the data somewhat.

  2. egelskahann

    The 5280s did grow on me over the season, but not *that* much

  3. PeteJones6969

    Fucking eww…….especially after wearing those in game 7.

  4. IUpVoteIronically

    The rainbow on black is like a top ten all time nba alt in my opinion

  5. Timoteo-Tito64

    I’m guessing it’s just people picking AG over MPJ without realizing they’re supposed to be picking jerseys

  6. WatermelonMan921

    I prefer the 5280s over the rainbow one. 🤷🏿🤷🏿

  7. e_a_blair

    now do AG wearing a monk’s robe vs MPJ in an Armani suit

  8. Soylent_Milk2021

    This isn’t my opinion, but a couple dudes I work with didn’t like the rainbow uniform because, well, rainbow. Some people are idiots, I know.

  9. The jersey AG is wearing has too many digits on front with the 5280 and the player number. I never liked it cause of that.

  10. LowPop943

    Every version of the nuggets rainbow skyline jersey is so dang good. If we brought back the black and white rainbow jerseys and made those our full time sets, with the blue and yellow mixed in every now and then, I’d be happy. (Not that dumbass maroon one though)

  11. Why do people hate on the 5280 jersey so hard? I think it’s easily one of our sleekest looking jerseys.

  12. eyeinthesky0

    I don’t believe this is an accurate poll. No way people like the 5280 better almost 2:1

  13. LongBallBobby

    My all time fav is the navy powder alternates with gold lettering when Iverson was there

  14. LordaeronReconquista

    Whoever is in charge of Denver’s designing is one of the worst in the NBA.

    We have huge design potential but horrid execution.

    We should go back to powder blue. The current colour scheme is neither here nor there, and is not conducive to making iconic & standout uniforms.

    Our average uniform design since the change to dark blue, red and yellow is like a 4/10

  15. Black rainbow my favorite NO WAY the worst one we’ve had in a while is beating that

  16. Remarkable_Ad7509

    5280s could be cool if they made it look better

  17. arhisekta

    what a shady post lol

    those 5280 jerseys are irredeemable. especially next to the Skyline jersey. jesus, what are the Nuggets decision makers smoking..

  18. The rainbow on black was top tier until they came out with the 5280 on black this year.

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