@Golden State Warriors

I dunno how you see what Steph did and not build a real contender solely around him, fuck your 2029 future or whatever TF

Probably beating a dead horse but I would sacrifice everything to build a team around this man IDC how many tax laws I break, IDC about the new CBA, IDC about the future of the team. Give him a real team and he gets you more legacy and championships, because there isn't a serious team in the league that can hold up against to Curry with an actual elite squad.

by Substantial-Memory85


  1. Because the front office is still trying to build 2 timelines, and see a post steph future around jk and podz. I dont agree with it, but it’s what they are doing.

  2. martymcfly22

    I don’t know how you can look around the league and think JK and Podz (both very good players) have what it takes to lead a team to title contention. Role players on a a title contender? Sure. But the focal point of a title contender? I don’t see it. Max out Steph’ years

  3. nba2k11er

    They have been trying to do that. But if you give up too much in a trade, then you’re still not a contender.

  4. TallnFrosty

    What posts like this one miss is that a guy Podziemski is an important part of ‘putting a real team’ around Steph. For a 36 & 37 year-old Steph to be in a position to succeed as a #1 scorer, he needs some help / protection defensively and with ball handling / running the offense. Just like he got that help in the Olympics.

    Its really easy to see that the Warrios FO is prioritizing supporting Steph with players that can provide some play making and ball movement as well as effort on defense. And ball security / low TOs since that will always be a ‘side effect’ of Steph’s game.

    In the starting lineup we’ll have Dray as the primary ball handler in the halfcourt + D Melton as the GP2 upgrade that can stay on the floor more than 16 mpg, provide more shooting & ball handling, and guard the best opposing guard. We’ll also of course see Steph + Podz lineups where Podz is handling the ball a lot to help Steph be effective, and where Podz’s high effort shows up on defense.

    In a lot of ways, Melton and Podz are PERFECT complimentary guards to Steph (alongside Dray of course).

    If fans have a bone to pick on not getting Lauri, it should be that we didn’t put Kuminga on the table for him. That’s the move imo that can be considered up for debate.

  5. todudeornote

    Funny thing about basketball, it’s a team sport. Steph can’t carry a team of role players – esp with so many teams loaded with stars and near stars (look at Boston’s Holiday and White). The Warriors roster construction looks shaky, lacks size and scoring punch. There is talent there – but is it the right talent to surround Steph?

  6. ExpertOnion3756

    Can we just enjoy the damn gold medal please?

  7. Acrobatic-Simple-161

    Yeah we should get KD, Lebron, AD, Bam, Booker, Embiid, Jrue, Tatum, Ant, and Hali. Don’t know what the front office is thinking by refusing to get all of them

  8. OonaPelota

    Because Joe L is already paying more in luxury tax ($177M) than 22 other teams pay for their payroll.

  9. StephenPurdy69

    Realistically what can they do?

    Clowns want to make these posts are fake fans who don’t know how nba teams are constructed

    Dunleavy has done a fine job given his hand.

  10. Lucky_Version_4044

    They tried to get PG13. In fact, they should’ve got him, if it weren’t for the Clippers just wanting to spite the Warriors.

    They tried to get Markannen, but Ainge thought he could get our entire future of draft picks and best young players for a guy who plays 60 games a year and is basically just a stretch 4. Bullet dodged on that, particularly with Markannen getting like $48M/yr.

    Not sure who else there is to target. We don’t have cap space, so it would have to be a trade. You got any ideas to pass along to the front office, OP?

  11. namastex

    I was down for Lauri, but the only stipulation would have been not getting rid of Podz. Not because I think Podz will have an amazing career, but because right now Warriors need a back up PG. If we could have gotten Lauri and a backup PG maybe a deal for Podz would have been alright, but people should realize that Podz had some amazing hustle coming off the bench as a backup PG. There’s like only a handful of point guards like that in the NBA.

  12. painfullyobtuse

    This is definitely the most toxic board I follow on Reddit, and it’s not really close.

  13. Please share the incredible insights that you must have to Dunleavy and Lacob. I’m sure they haven’t thought of them already.

  14. gorillaneck

    yeah it’s weird they don’t just snap their fingers and get the 2024 olympic starting 5

  15. sloppymcgee

    Open to your suggestion. Who do you want

  16. Scoob8877

    I just don’t think the W’s have the assets to make these mega trades to put superstars around Steph. If they could’ve, they would’ve.

    The only real asset they have is Steph, and honestly if he said he wanted to be traded to a contender, I’d be fine with that. We’d get young players and draft picks and Steph gets a chance to play in more big games. He deserves that chance. I’d cheer for Steph in another jersey.

  17. The_SqueakyWheel

    As a knicks fan the warriors are blowing it. They should go balls deep around steph because after he’s gone thats it.

  18. EmploymentDizzy1307

    The only move I’d like to see is KD returning but it ain’t gonna happen. I want to enjoy the last few years of Steph regardless of the future of the team. This is never going to happen again..

  19. Green_Rip3524

    They should stop worrying about Podz and jk. Those two won’t hit 1/10 of Steph’s heights. Steph is a top 5 goat and they should go all in.

  20. hotpottas

    Because he doesn’t play defense? I mean if you watched all of the games as much as he helped he was a huge liability on defense. Guys constantly blowing by him as well as barely getting a good enough contest on shots half the time. Embiid was just as bad too not saying curry was the only one but for as much as curry and embiid got us the win vs serbia they also were the main reasons we got in that hole. Curries man was draining shot after shot and emiid let guys blow by him constantly. Not saying curry isnt still great but building a team around him at 35 years old would just be a foolish move. A smart GM would trade him now and get as much for him as you can just like the celtics traded pierce and KG to the nets. Hes at a high right now and a ton of nba teams would give up a ton to get him. I know warriors fans would be pissed but business is business and if they want to have any success and not be like the warriors of old its time to move mr curry

  21. Justtryingtohelp00

    Not this shit again. There is no trade available. We do not have the assets.

  22. What can we do What can doo!!!!!

    Lets offer Moody , Wiggins and second rounders as our best offer for Giannis at the trade deadline !!!

  23. Proof_Ad5734

    I know – and we r about to pay dudes like Podzemski and Kuminga near max deals
 fuck that new NBA shit

  24. ranterist

    In the Age of Lebron, the talent needs to WANT to go somewhere, and that means TAKING A PAY CUT to spread it around. Even if there IS ownership to pay the penalty taxes, which there is.

  25. eexxiitt

    Because they feel like they can build a contender after Steph.

  26. muishkin

    that picture makes me sock ray bleh!

    King Steph is the G.O.A.T.

    I hope he goes into politics.

  27. What is your proposed route to build a contender??

    Like step by step

  28. kobeflip

    A lot of factors. I imagine if I am working for another front office, I’m not looking to build GSW into a team that’s going to keep my team from being a contender.

  29. Hi_Im_Ken_Adams

    Let’s pretend the salary cap and luxury tax aren’t a thing.

  30. Mygaffer

    Steph is great but he was also playing next to LeBron, KD, AD, Book, etc., etc.

    So sure, just sign those guys and we got another chip coming our way.

    But also let’s not pretend this a Portland w/Dame situation, where the team says they are trying to compete but then everything they do says they are not trying to compete.

    The Warriors put serious offers on the table that included significant future draft capital to try and bring in first Paul George, and after that didn’t happen Lauri. With Podz and Trayce they drafted guys they thought could grow but also who could contribute sooner rather than later.

    The team was fucked by their incredibly high salary burden and repeater tax. The new CBA forced pretty much all teams to get out of those heady spending limits. The Warriors both shed salary yet on paper got better. It would have been great to bring in a true second option to back up Steph, as you need that to win in the playoffs, but don’t pretend this team isn’t still trying to win.

  31. Because most of the Olympic teams only have a couple of NBA players on them at best, and the NBA is objectively the best league in the world for basketball.

    I’m not saying move Steph, but the Olympics is absolutely not the yard stick to compare against.

  32. WigglingWoof

    I’m pretty sure that’s been the plan. The results just aren’t as expected.

  33. olskoolyungblood

    If only there were a bunch of impact players we could get without giving up ours, and also cheap so they don’t bust our cap. Why hasn’t our front office thought of that already?

  34. superfugazi

    Chill out.

    If it’s that easy, all Warriors fans would be working at the Warriors’ front office.

    They’ve been trying to build around Steph, not building for the future. That’s why Jordan Poole got traded and we picked up Chris Paul, a veteran.

  35. ItsBal707

    When they started talking about his slump the man himself said nope gave em all the nite nite and the shhhhhhhhhhhhhh at the same time 🏅

  36. orchid_breeder

    Look at the Suns, and then realize that could be us.

  37. haley_hathaway

    Cause you literally don’t have the cap space available to bring in major talent without annihilating whatever depth we have. For example, Phoenix had no bench whatsoever and it killed them in playoff time. The only option is have somehow take a huge discount to join Steph and that didn’t happen.

  38. dearzackster69

    Yeah we can all agree that was a massive fumble by the guy who bragged about being light years ahead. Typical silicon valley hubris.

    Lacob deserves huge credit for spending money freely (which he more than earned back, as would every owner based solely on the rising value of the underlying team.) But he blew a chance at 1 or 2 more chips. And plenty of us saw it for what it was st the time, just another meddling owner.

  39. sugarwax1

    Seriously, it’s malpractice to think he’ll just carry and pretend they have any sense of a future team without him.

    JK is the single player they have who has future potential. Maybe there’s a surprise with the draft signings…. but as of now, that’s it. One guy. And they don’t have the picks to rebuild, and they don’t have the trade assets to rebuild, and whatever they had to flip they couldn’t find a way to move, and this shit is bleak.

    Build him a solid roster. They don’t have to be stars they have to make sense.

    And they have to know their role, know they’re role players, and play selflessly for each other. We haven’t seen that since 2017. When is the last time we heard Kerr say “play for each other”? That was every game in 2015.

  40. justanother-eboy

    I agree. Steph could leave for the Lakers or make some new big 4 super team in a year if the warriors don’t do anything

  41. MegaJ0NATR0N

    The problem is surrounding him with a bunch of young players that are still developing

  42. thesenate92

    We need to try and grab Yabusele from France. Dudes a baller

  43. facedrool

    Reminder… Last year, they had 225M in salary..

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