@National Basketball Association

Tyrese Haliburton arrives to a party in style after winning the Olympics gold medal

Tyrese Haliburton arrives to a party in style after winning the Olympics gold medal

by Nyhrox


  1. OnlyMamaKnows

    His boy getting out right before him šŸ˜‚šŸ’€

  2. Kwilly462

    Forecast called for 4 inches of snow out of that car

  3. HalfBear-HalfCat

    We should start sending a make a wish kid as the last member of the Olympic team. If they’re not playing anyways, it would be a cool experience, motivation for the team, and a flex on the other teams.

  4. Methamine

    Hali got his own snow bunny at home wait till she see

  5. rektek246

    Ainā€™t no party like a snowbunny party. If it ainā€™t snowin I aint going.

  6. WockhardtTolle

    You would think itā€™s the winter olympics

  7. DowngoezFrasier215

    So while all the nephews are clowning this dude from the couch for not getting any run, he out here running through the snow with a gold medal around his neck.

  8. ToothbrushTommy

    ā€œYou didnā€™t play!ā€

    ā€œDidnā€™t I?ā€

  9. Compulsive_Bater

    As a Knicks fan I can’t stand Hali but dammit he played the Olympics so well just cheering, having the time of his life. His class project tweet was fucking hysterical, props to him but Hali I will hate you again soon, real soon.

  10. hereiamnotagainnot

    Had to let the snow storm pass before he could get out the car.

  11. a_talking_face

    Why did he walk in looking like he was handcuffed walking into the court house.

  12. Jeremy9096

    Just for everyone who is genuinely wondering, I’m pretty sure the girl that got out of the car just before him is his actual girlfriend and the other ones are either relatives or friends, something of that sort.

  13. JP_Frost

    Obviously I’m getting old and am completely out of touch with today’s slang, but I assume this snow thing means he likes white chicks? Or are we talking cocaine?

  14. one bunny, two bunny… i sincerely hope some dude doesn’t recognize his gf in this vid

  15. Tall_Succotash

    These comments are weird as fuck as like half of those girls are probably his family or friends of his girlfriend.

  16. Wembanyanma

    In 20 years we will have a running joke about some star French shooting guard being Anthony Edwards’ son.

  17. i thought i was on circlejerk with these jokes šŸ˜‚

  18. Black-Star_GOG

    I believe people said they were all part of his family

  19. Gaius_Octavius_

    ā€œWhere all the white women at?ā€

  20. MySabonerRunsOladipo

    Tyrese: *Celebrating his Team’s win*


    Lol never change

  21. A clown car full of white midget chicks in baggy pants. Is that why he got gold?

  22. wavylazygravydavey

    Bros got more white women in that car than a Starbucks during PSL season

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