@Indiana Pacers

Second day: Who is the most overrated Pacer of all time?

Most Underrated Results:

1) Rik Smits

2) Jeff Foster

3) Derrick McKey

4) Travis Best

5) TJ McConnell

Thad Young and David West missed 5th place by 1 vote

by CoveredInBillsScars


  1. Might get heat for this, but Oladipo had about a year and a half of actual production on the Pacers but the way he’s viewed is very differently. He played a total of 141 games (counting both regular season and playoffs) for Indy over 3 years.

    I know injuries derailed him but I just don’t think the way he’s talked about reflects the actual production he had on the team.

  2. ClaimElectronic6840

    i was way too excited for monta ellis, not sure if that makes him overrated or just disappointing

  3. Chris Copeland. When we got him people acted like he was the missing piece, but he was barely a rotational NBA player.

  4. Indy4Life

    The problem with this question is to be overrated you have to have people that still like you. Yeah of course someone like Monta Ellis wasn’t good but we know that at this point.

    I think that I’m gonna go with Lance Stephenson here. I think that for a few years Myles Turner could have been thrown in here too. I take him out of this due to his recent success though.

  5. BeamMeUpFirst

    I’ll get heat for this, but Paul George. Yes, he was very good, but the other starters carried those ECF teams just as much as he did and people forget how balanced those teams were.

  6. HeyItsChase

    Instead of having the top comment be the guy you place in the graphic, it’d be cool if you have a poll or vote for the top 5 from the previous post on the next post. Nbd but would be clean.

    My vote for this one is Malcolm Brogden as well.

  7. purdueosu

    Lance. Love him, but he isn’t what made those teams. I think you could replace him with many other players and the success still stays.

  8. lordiceman11

    Lance Stephenson. And it’s not even close.

  9. DukeOfIndiana

    Sarunas Jesikevicious. That guy was supposed to be the best shooter of all time!

  10. JacksNTag

    Bender. Still wish we could have seen what they all saw at practice.

  11. eindar1811

    My actual opinion on this is Derrick McKey. I know I’ll catch crap for it, but he was a very good defender that ground the offense to a halt due to a lack of confidence. He routinely held the ball and only grudgingly took wide open shots, which colors his percentages. He also was injury prone, but people talk about him like he was the 2nd or 3rd best player on those Pacers teams. He wasn’t. Frankly, his career is similar to Ben Simmons, just without all the drama. And nobody here likes Ben Simmons.

    The more palatable answer is, unfortunately, Danny Granger. Great stats, great guy. Team never really won anything with him. Probably not his fault, but it is what it is.

  12. According_Log_2525

    If this is a real list the answer will be Lance. Most overrated implies the biggest difference between his hype and actual ability / output. That’s clearly Lance.

    However I love Lance and hate putting that title on him 😂 … it also leaves a real gap for “funniest”

  13. IndyPoker979

    How about overrated by the coaches? I’ll go with either TJ leaf or Goga

  14. Sir0inks-A-Lot

    Evan Turner – supposed to be the final puzzle piece for us that year and turned out to be a petulant prick.

    Maybe I should be saving him for Most Annoying or Most Wasted Potential but seriously, fuck that guy

  15. Scrapper7

    It could be Oladipo. That was such a starved time for the franchise and he rose to the occasion but it’s possible he was overrated

  16. BlueSpiderComics

    Malcom Brogdan for me, dude was supposed to be our superstar and played like a 6 the whole time

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