@Denver Nuggets

Is this a realistic MPJ trade?

I mean pumpkin pies restore 8 hunger, and that makes for 32 hunger in total.

by MyHoopT


  1. Last_Supermarket_451

    This is the off-season content we deserve!

  2. IUpVoteIronically

    An almost 7 foot tall basketball god or 4 pumpkin bois. Who wins?

  3. TheBatman0816

    Minecraft meme? Finally some real fucking food

  4. Downtown-Desk-3275

    Why would Farmer – Apprentice do this??? 4 pumpkin pies on good contracts for Max Contract Porter Jr?

  5. Account_Overdrawn

    Upvoting because I love offseason quality nuggets content but a constructive criticism of mine would be you forgot to put

    WHO SAYS NO in there.

  6. Throw in a few hearty stacks of cobblestone and you’ve got a deal

  7. LotharBot

    trade for a Mending book from a librarian in the swamp instead. Then use it to enchant Jamal’s knees.

  8. Hockeyhog

    I think he would be more worth 5 cakes and a gold pick axe. He is a champ.

  9. Ok_Respond7928

    Idk seems like a bit of an overpay from the villager gotta take advantage when you can.

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