@Denver Nuggets

Nikola Jokic’s father in an interview: “Nikola doesn’t like making new friends, he has trouble letting people in his circle, they have to be either from basketball or horse racing. We’re going to fix up the hypodrome and build him a family house (in Sombor), he doesn’t need anything more than that.”

Nikola Jokic’s father in an interview: “Nikola doesn’t like making new friends, he has trouble letting people in his circle, they have to be either from basketball or horse racing. We’re going to fix up the hypodrome and build him a family house (in Sombor), he doesn’t need anything more than that.”

by Klutzy_Text_3885


  1. IdRatherBeLurkingToo

    I heard they’ve been building him a fortress in Sombor for like three years now lol

  2. KanyeWestistheDevil

    Joker has been passed time and time again by the NBA as they try to find a face. They are really going to try to push Ant. This is fine I just feel like they are missing a whole world out there as Joker is simply interesting as fuck as a person.

  3. BrockSmashgood

    I remain extremely disappointed at the lack of professional hippo racing in this world.

  4. WeirdRedBeard

    OK so I’m just going to say this and it’s the kind of thing that gets a lot of people bent out of shape but I don’t care. Jokic is autistic. He’s “on the spectrum,” if you will. I was diagnosed “on the spectrum” 3 years ago, my wife shortly thereafter. Barring all previous evidence in this armchair diagnosis (*cough* horses *cough*), here’s what I see in this clip, right after the basketball: 1) Jokic hauling ass back to defense because he’s so fucking locked in and focused on the game that he’s lost track of everything else. Celebration and emotion are non-existent in the mind. Certainly not a trait exclusive to autistic people, but let’s continue: 2) He’s like a fucking deer in headlights when the celebrations begin. This thread is filled with “ice cold,” “another day at the office,” “never wants to celebrate,” but what I see is the feeling of being a deer in headlights, get me the fuck out of here, OK *high five* *high five* bye now. Dude doesn’t celebrate because he doesn’t know how to celebrate, or he’s too uncomfortable to celebrate, or he doesn’t feel the need to celebrate. But let me tell you, once he’s there, once he finally breaks that shell, he’s going to fucking let it *rip.*

    This evidence is probably unconvincing, so let me instead tell you a story about George Michael. You know, the guy with [the saxophone song.]( I kind of dig that song, so a while back I decided to dig into some of his albums. I made it about one minute into the third song on the album (“I Want Your Sex”) and thought “oh, this guy’s gay, huh?” I did a quick wikipedia check and yeah, duh, he’s gay, but that’s not the interesting part. This song had been written in 1987, not just years before Michael came out of the closet, but years before Michael himself *even knew he was gay.* No one did. And I want you to think about this for a moment: here we are in 2023 and we can listen to a single minute of this guy’s music and be like “oh yeah this guy is 100% gay”, but go back 35 years and not only did no one have the slightest clue he was gay, but George Michael himself thought at most “maybe I’m bisexual.” And the point about this is learning to see the signs, learning to see the patterns—autistic people are great at finding patterns—and beginning to understand that something you previously thought rare and strange is actually hiding all around you in plain sight and no one has the slightest clue. Autism is everywhere. Like, really, it’s fucking everywhere.

    So here it is: Jokic is autistic, and my source: trust me, bro. Because I am autistic, because my wife and my father and my son and nearly all of my friends are autistic, because I’m involved in numerous communities loaded with undiagnosed autistic people (orchid hybridizing, juggling, wine rating, come on…), and because once you start to learn the signs some people just glare like the sun. I was originally going to write “you know, he’s not autistic like *Rainman*-autistic” because that’s what I always say about “low support needs” autism aka Asperger’s, but fuck it, Jokic is the fucking Rainman of basketball and I am so fucking proud of him for it.

    Downvote me and call me delusional.

  5. toughwhentheyup

    yeah I would have trust issues too if I was a multimillionaire national hero and suddenly everyone wants to be close to me.

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