@Denver Nuggets

David Thompson was selected as the most underrated Nugget! Who’s the most overrated player in team history?

Players like Bobby Jones, Alex English, and Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf were popular runner ups.

by BillNyeThePumpkinPie


  1. BillNyeThePumpkinPie

    Now I think that a lot of people are going to select Carmelo Anthony here, which I can understand the logic of, but personally I would go with Allen Iverson. The team was a lot better without him once he was traded for Billups.

  2. Sleepinginabathtub

    u/WeirdRedBeard we both know who it is…

  3. kosmos1209

    Garry Harris. He was average to below average three and D guy, even before his injuries. We got a steal when we traded him away for AG.

    Edit: yall are proving my point here. He’s liked way more than his actual performance. Definition of overrated

  4. Averagebass

    Gobert and Mitchell. Dudes were crazy hyped and never even put up a single stat for Denver!


    Gotta say AI right? Melo, for all his shortcomings, made this franchise relevant again.

  6. EnthusedPhlebotomist

    I’m still voting for Melo, his importance is still so often and vastly overstated. 

  7. soberpenguin

    Igoudala. Gave up Aaron Afflalo and Al Harrington for him. He sabotaged the playoff run, then he bounced to the team that beat us, and we got no compensation back

  8. MyLinksMakeNoSense

    why the fuck am i seeing gallinaris name in here more than once

  9. I think AI is the right answer because while he was good and helped make us relevant, he was undeniably overrated.

    My dark horse submission is JR Smith. I haven’t been watching for the entire history of the franchise but JR was pretty hyped I remember. Chucking up threes, many of them bricks, hated defense.

  10. Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf. Overrated by Nuggets fans because of his fun playstyle and playing in a time where there was little to cheer for. He never had a season with above average efficiency. He shot more and was less efficient than Will Barton, who was often accused of chucking

  11. I_Fart_It_Stinks

    Are we going by the comment with the most upvotes, or number of overall comments?

    If it’s overall comments, gotta throw my vote in for AI.

  12. Melo all day long with a shoutout to Kiki VanDeWeghe. AI was only really here two seasons and one of them he played well.

  13. 3rdtryatremembering

    As a life long Iverson fan, I’m gonna throw Iguodala out there in an attempt to Keep my boy out of this spot.

  14. Sexy-MrClean

    Allen Iverson, say what you will about Melo but, he’s effectively the beginning of Nuggets history for a lot of NBA fans.

  15. reviewbarn


    Won DPOY, couldnt guard a big, his blocks consistantly were light tips that got put right back in by trailing players.

  16. spizcraft

    I’m surprised no one has mentioned Paul Millsap. He was coming off 4 consecutive All Star selections (in the East, but still) and was arguably the biggest FA signing since AI. He was expected to be our second best player and a perfect complement to Jokic. He signed a $90m/3yr contract, making him the THIRD HIGHEST PAID PLAYER IN THE LEAGUE behind Steph Curry and LeBron James in his first season with the Nuggets.

    In that season he played 38 games and averaged 14.6/6.4/2.8. He followed it up with seasons averaging 12.6/7.2/2.0 and 11.6/5.7/1.6. In his entire 4 years with the Nuggets, his cumulative VORP was 4.1 and he earned over $100m and was the 3rd, 12th, and 20th highest paid player in the league the first 3 seasons.

    I know there were some good moments in the playoffs, but frankly he wildly underperformed his contract and the expectations we had for him.

  17. Pure-Temporary

    Marcus Camby won one of the most undeserved dpoys ever while on the team, and couldn’t shoot for shit from outside 3 feet, although he loved to.

    It’s probably ai though, even though I loved him

  18. cheezluiz

    AI was definitely not overrated. Dude balled out and was a blast to watch

  19. I would have voted Andre Miller as most underrated but you do you fandom

  20. pu-in-sai

    This thread is depressing and a downvote landmine

  21. akkie888

    Kenyon Martin. Loved him but at the time of the signing, the Nugs I believe had higher hopes for his contributions.

  22. markpondrice

    Thread feels cruel… but I’ll throw Scott Hastings into the mix. Only played two seasons with the team and was awful in both. Definite lasting impact in the booth, though.

  23. Definitely Iverson. What few people know is that he was not only not the player they hoped, but was a horrible influence in the locker room, particularly on JR Smith. I know that when they took road trips AI was organizing excursions to clubs that got younger players involved.

  24. elmo_dude0

    “I used to be jealous of Arron Afflalo” – Kendrick Lamar

  25. UniversityOk5928

    AI is the reason I’m a nuggets fan, as crazy as that sounds. So naturally o don’t want to throw my goat on an overrated list. But I think “I’m a nuggets fan because allen iverson” kind of makes the point lol.

    Allen Iverson for sure 🥲

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