@Brooklyn Nets

After we gave The Phoenix Suns their Best Player, they’re on Twitter clowning us

After we gave The Phoenix Suns their Best Player, they’re on Twitter clowning us

by Brooklyn917


  1. Electronic-Doctor110

    Lmao that’s pretty funny and true. I’m excited for their upcoming season. They have a stacked team with likeable dudes

  2. Due_Incident_9738

    They don’t even realize it’s a make-or-break season for them. The West is stacked to the brim, any minor losing streak & they are outside the playoffs race. They can clown us for whatever but shit could get tragic for me😭

  3. BklynKnightt

    The Knick fans are clowns, when the Villanova Knicks max ceiling is the ECF we’ll see whose going to be laughing in a couple years. The most over hyped underachieving franchise in basketball history that’s still living off chips from over 50 years ago #FoolsGold. Those tables are going to turn fast don’t believe me just watch. They’ll be crying for a number one pick soon Ooops my bad they already gave up most of those 1st rounders for Midkal😂

  4. Trying to hide their pain that they got fleeced in the KD deal.

  5. The fuck have they won lmfao

    Both us and Houston are gonna eat good with those picks.

  6. A_Polite_Noise

    I’m a pretty creative person – I like to write, and I used to draw more as a youth. I come up with inventive solutions to problems, at work and in my personal life. I daydream and have a pretty active imagination.

    But despite all of that, even with all of that potential in my mind, I literally cannot *conceive* a world in which I give a fuck what the Phoenix Suns social media or the team’s fans think of us and the Brooklyn Nets. It’s *beyond my capacity.*

  7. lxkandel06

    Alright clowns, go have fun getting swept in the first round again before inevitably crumbling while we reap the benefits of your draft picks

  8. Otaku_Instinct

    I know the Phoenix Sons ain’t talking…

    Traded away their entire cache of assets just to get swept in the 1st round 🤣

    4 1st round swaps for a geriatric NTC Bradley Beal 🤣

    Think they gonna win a chip in a West with Joker, ANT, Luka and SGA 🤣

    Most bleak future of any team in the NBA 🤣

  9. mai_wife_beats_me

    same old low hanging fruit. they have the same amount of NBA rings as us

  10. They live in Phoenix, they gotta cope somehow.

  11. Kwilly462

    I mean, we’re an easy target. I get it lol

  12. CactusSage

    They say the truth hurts…cry more 😭😭😭

  13. joseandhoseb

    Lmao both teams in the same boat, none of us are winning a championship this year

  14. ughwhateverman

    I have no idea why the Suns media team is attacking the Nets franchise, especially when their team’s title hopes are hanging by a thread through a series of Nets-like moves. They belong to the Houston streets

  15. Their ass is in a worse position.. no chance to win a title and no real moves to make to change that all at the cost of their future

  16. hushed-shush

    Why wouldn’t nets fan be keeping an eye on the Knicks? We got their picks. If they lose, we win lol

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