@New Orleans Pelicans

Imagine if Ownership had the same idea…

Cannot say enough about this! Their new look, the decision to go for it, the impact—is everything our organization needs and what so many of us have been screaming for. I hope the front office is paying attention, but I also doubt it.

by nolaCTID


  1. killerdescore

    This looks bad ,cruise logo ,blan jerseys

    And PG13 isn’t on their team anymore ,why is he there ?

  2. WayneTerry9

    Comparing one of the “poorest” owners in the league to the richest may be a bit of a fools errand

  3. There is no reason to follow the LAC moves. First there previous owner was so cheep they moved into the same building as the LAL and intentionally took the worst dates to make their rent the cheapest. They literally pay less than the Kings.

    For the uniforms and logo there was nothing wrong with the previous ones. LAC had the opportunity to really build its fan base by signing Kawahi and trading for PG13 but they failed. The national media will give the LAC very little coverage and they are expected to be fighting for a play in spot.

    For us we already added the black uniforms and skeleton pelicans logo as an alternate logo that fans love. We used it a lot more often because the players and fans loved it. They will probably make a small change to the other colors this year.

    For our training center it is not that old and the team is already looking to upgrade it and are working with the city to upgrade the smoothie king center. What the team needs to do is consistently make the playoffs and start winning in the playoffs.

  4. nolaCTID

    Lolll, great points—especially on PG13

    I posted this quickly on my way into a meeting and probably should’ve commented further and linked a different article—but specifically what I’m referring to is making a choice to refresh the brand and go with a more classic look, including the script typeface and classic two-toned piping on the neck and sleeves. Not saying there’s anything particularly special about these, I just I think there’s real value to those types of style elements in basketball unis.

    Think about how teams like the Sixers, Warriors, Nuggets, Bucks, Suns, etc. have successfully (in my opinion—I don’t have data to back this up) moved away from over-designed uniforms and colorways into more simplistic, more color-blocked and classic looks over recent years. Nothing exactly special about these new Clips unis, but the change certainly falls into that thinking.

    The weird orcha/cruise ship-like design aside, I do think there’s an argument to be made that a traditional-style circular crest is timeless and can be easier to style on other merch, like hats, shirts, etc. I always found their previous logo iteration and how it looked on their jerseys difficult to decipher, and thought it and made them resemble summer league unis.

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