@Los Angeles Lakers

Why randy why

Why randy why

by angryshoper


  1. WestVirginiaFan15

    Hardcore republican hates guy who is openly a democrat and hates Trump, more at 11

  2. ChrisRhodes789



  3. AdorableBackground83

    The Black Mamba is better than the Viper.

  4. incredibleamadeuscho

    Randy is a Legend Killer, and LeBron is a legend.

  5. pocket_passss

    I was looking at Tennessee threads after we drafted Knecht and was reminded there are lots of people that think problems such as concentration camps in China somehow rest on the shoulders of Lebron James 

  6. ijustdoodood

    My wrestling goat dissin my bball goat, idk what to do 😭🙏 I’m just gonna chalk it up as Randy old so he thinks like an old head 😂

  7. DetDipstick

    He hates the Lakers ever since Mr. Kennedy back suplexed him on the shoulder while wearing a Lakers jersey.

  8. Ok_Conversation_2734

    undertaker is randy orton father 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  9. puffindatza

    I was always more of a John Cena guy anyways

    And John Cena has wrestled representing purple and gold

    Edit: nvm, this ain’t a politics sub but I don’t support what John cena supports politically. Kind of sad to see him support an oppressive candidate

  10. Exciting_Attitude240

    Just say that Jordan’s the goat and leave it at that

  11. _Aracano

    MMA and wrestling are a huge cesspool of right wing idiots – guess who hate LeBron even more than other fans? Yep, you guessed it, MAGA and all their ilk

    Screw this loser – you aren’t fit to look the King in his eye

  12. Stepsis24

    Damn some of yall legit pissed I’m pretty sure it was a joke

  13. Delicious_Farmer_408

    I can’t wait for Gunther to beat his ass at Bash in Berlin

  14. NotTheMamba

    He’s just being a sports fan, le stans are sensitive lol. I used to say the same before he was a Laker bc I was team Kobe.

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