@Brooklyn Nets

Seen this being done in other team subs and thought it would be fun to do here. Day 1: Who is the Most Underrated player in Nets history? Most upvoted comment (or combined upvotes) wins.

Seen this being done in other team subs and thought it would be fun to do here. Day 1: Who is the Most Underrated player in Nets history? Most upvoted comment (or combined upvotes) wins.

by Goosedukee


  1. Kwilly462

    Idk about most underrated, but I already know who’s the worst starter. (cough cough Treveon Graham)

  2. p_rets94

    Probably Brook Lopez. He was arguably a top 5 center in the league in his prime and leads the franchise in points. Granted it was a really weak era for centers but he was a great scorer for us.

  3. BKtoDuval

    Hmm, tough call. Underrated, I don’t know. My dude is Marbury. Had he been more focused, he could’ve been one of the all time greats. At one point you could’ve made a case for him being better than Kidd, Nash, Iverson. Not saying he was but you could’ve made a case.

    in Brooklyn, I feel like Joe Johnson doesn’t get enough love. yeah, we know about him but sometimes feels a little overlooked.

  4. dr1zzleman

    I’ve always felt Royce O’Neale was under appreciated during his time with the team

  5. BKtoDuval

    Remember that wild half season with Marcus Thornton? Didn’t it feel like at one point he would just simply chuck threes but almost never miss?

  6. BKtoDuval

    man, I already have five answers for the most wasted potential. I can’t wait. Can we rename to biggest bum?

  7. Joe Johnson – One of the first all stars to join the Nets after moving to Brooklyn, rarely talked about today, and had some great game winners with us.

    Who remembers him dropping pierce with that nasty crossover?

  8. ihavepaper

    History is rough for sure…

    If we’re talking about recency bias though, it should absolutely be DeMarre Carrol.

  9. hoopsandpoops

    New Jersey: Derrick Coleman
    Brooklyn: probably Joe Harris

  10. joseandhoseb

    Probably RJ? Idk tough question, usually gets lost when talking about other Nets like Kidd, K-mart, VC. Not saying he’s as good as them just saying he was pretty important too idk

  11. Zero_C0OL

    Probably Brook. Was also thinking about that half season of Robert Pack in the mid-90s where he basically averaged a double double before we made that huge swap with the mavs.

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