@National Basketball Association

James Harden Amazes Chinese Fans with His Impressive Sword Skills

James Harden Amazes Chinese Fans with His Impressive Sword Skills

by bambam-in-vietnam


  1. Hattori Harden

    I would also accept

    Fattori Hanzo

  2. xenoz2020

    oh he’s pretty good with his sword. very well known in Houston

  3. Overall_Implement326

    New tactic for the upcoming season? Imagine practicing your jumper when Harden is just gonna straight up stab you.

    The league isn’t ready.

  4. GameDayBeliever

    The Bearded Samurai

    Edit after being properly corrected and taught culture: The Bearded Jiànkè

  5. He’s learning the way of blade now, league fucked.

  6. Sad_Escape2025

    Should go get his suit done in HK like Scottie did earlier this year

  7. ThirdEyeKaiii

    What’s he doing in China lately. Is he going to play overseas next year?

  8. AutographedSnorkel

    He’s gonna get so fucking fat after he retires. Playing basketball is the only thing keeping him in reasonably good shape

  9. CrystalMartinis

    James Harden showcasing sword skills is something no one saw coming, but it’s oddly fitting for him

  10. Acrobatic-Dog7044

    Hero Ball portrays Harden as a Ronin so this is perfectly in character for him. No lord or master assisting those who require his services but never being there when most needed.

  11. Seems like they love him like Kobe over there

  12. addiconda

    Imagine if there was a print out of Daryl Morey’s face in front of Harden

  13. bro you can see the filter glitching out on the lady in the back 😭

  14. No_Airline6525

    Ray Lewis Impresses Fans in Atlanta with Impressive Sword Skills 

  15. sorendiz

    what the fuck is going on with this dudes posts? absolutely slobbering for karma or something wtf

  16. I may hate watching him play half the time, but god I love Harden outside of basketball, dude just always seems to be having the time of his life and doesn’t give a fuck what others think of him.

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