@National Basketball Association

John Stockton sends Utah Jazz to NBA Finals

John Stockton sends Utah Jazz to NBA Finals

by Neptune28


  1. Andrewski18

    I liked the part where John Stockton sent the Utah Jazz to the NBA Finals

  2. Emotional-Chef-7601

    Stockton? I thought he was just a passer.

  3. GauthZuOGZ

    Whôs that defender that has an absolute shocker of a brain freeze and lets stockton open?

  4. raidmytombBB

    Fuck this shot and FTJ. I still remember how pissed and depressed I was when that shot fell + no call on that screen.

  5. raylan_givens6

    That bear hugging/mugging should’ve been called , one of the worst blown calls in NBA post season history

    Rockets could’ve beaten the Bulls too

  6. sanfranchristo

    I hope the home team clock operator was fired. They should’ve had an inbounds with .3 or so.

  7. makashiII_93

    One of my first sports memories is my parents HOWLING about Malone’s screen.

  8. Baby_Yod4

    Jesus what a blatant foul by Malone. Just got him in a stright vice grip and no call lmao. I guess thats 90’s basketball for you. Barkley needed to step up instead of just watching tho

  9. And people say Chris Paul is greater than this guy.

  10. dragonwhale

    Uncalled screens are so annoying. Egregious uncalled screens go beyond annoying and u just can’t take this shit serious. Which is why i don’t hold Curry to such a high standard.

  11. Tearz_in_rain

    Homophobe coach; rapist power forward; anti-vax point guard.

    I still like Stockton… I can get past the anti-vax a little bit.

  12. AutographedSnorkel

    Karl Malone held onto Drexler tighter than he holds onto a 13 year old girl

  13. DereHunter

    I miss the times when on events like that everyone stormed the court celebrating, also when you could the crowed really cheered like in Europe instead chanting with the music on a cue

  14. ironcastedpan

    The Jazz should have gotten a 10 yard penalty for that.

  15. BloominVeg

    always loved that Walton Uh Oh..also enjoy Russell seeing how open Stockton is and putting the pass towards the rim

  16. TheRealLardin

    I know the high screen that leaves the shooter pen to receive the inbound pass is a mess, but Barkley loses it at the switch as well and reacts a bit late. Not to take credit from Stockton´s shot, of course.

  17. robograndpa

    Can you guys just let us have this. We have nothing else

  18. From the games I saw, Stockton was a great shooter who you rarely feared would take the final shot.

  19. whiskeyinthejaar

    The thing that drives me crazy is how Jazz did this play literally every time they needed to score out of time out and no one ever seemed to figure how to guard Stockton off the screen outside the Bulls, like most coaches didn’t watch games.

    In one of the clips from last dance takes with Phil asking Harper to guard when he tries to run off the screen

  20. the_spinetingler

    Malone grabbing so tight it’s like he’s trying to get a 12 year old pregnant

  21. rumdiary

    Has this been uploaded to Youtube, compressed, then downloaded and re-uploaded again a thousand times?

    I wish we could get original quality clips from the 90s.

  22. Im_fairly_tired

    Iconic moment from my childhood. Pure joy and excitement. This thread is also the first time I’ve heard Rockets fans complain about a moving screen on the play. But not the first time I’ve heard Rockets fans act like a bunch of whiney piss-baby cry-bullies. Eat shit you losers. Well deserved loss.

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