@National Basketball Association

Just a thought: A table without comparison. Vince Carters stats (longest NBA career ever). Though LeBron might break it relatively soon.

by TheVyrox


  1. RaZzIeToV

    04-05 season averages in Toronto is despicable work

  2. TiredMillennialDad

    I’ll never forget the day Orlando got Vince Carter.

    I was high on shrooms during college and DURING my trip Michael Jackson died AND Orlando got Vince Carter.

  3. en_sabah_nur_first_1

    It’s ridiculous when people use Vince Carter’s longevity for a reason he should have made the hall.

    After 07 he wasn’t an all star player anymore, and after that Orlando trade he was a rotation player. From 2011 to his retirement in 2020 he was just a rotation bench player for 9 years.

    Great he played for so long and accepted he wasn’t a star player anymore, but playing as a rotation player for 9 years shouldn’t give you credibility for the Hall.

    Especially when you compare to guys like Lebron, KD, Steph who are in their mid to late 30s and putting up all star/all nba numbers still.

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