@National Basketball Association

Strangest moment of the season for me: Gregg Popovich grabs the mic and tells the San Antonio crowd to stop booing Kawhi Leonard

Strangest moment of the season for me: Gregg Popovich grabs the mic and tells the San Antonio crowd to stop booing Kawhi Leonard

by Naweezy


  1. GameDayBeliever

    I actually applaud Pop for that. He was setting a standard and a culture for the team and fans. Kawhi won them a championship, finals mvp, dpoy (twice). If that’s how other players see you treating a guy like that then they wouldn’t want to come play for that team.

  2. FailedAwards

    Honestly if I’m a fan of the spurs I’m still booing he’s not on the team anymore

  3. dustinharm

    Pop’s the GOAT but this was so lame lol. It’s an opposing player at the free throw line, there is literally not a more appropriate time to boo.

  4. NeedleGunMonkey

    Pop thinking long game getting kawhi last contract

  5. ComfortableGas3165

    Sometimes you got to POP out and show n(aughty fans)

  6. Relative-Shake-2663

    Pandering for his return at best, cheesy as hell at face value. They’re fans of the spurs who are down 9 points against the team shooting free throws. It was never personal. 

  7. Comments out here are wild, just imagine booing someone that brought you championship and so much joy . He has done so much , insane people 

  8. Shingorillaz

    >Strangest moment of the season

    Of the season? More like ever, this is usually done in the post game presser not during the game lmao. I genuinely think Pop had an out of body experience here.

  9. Impossible_You_2219

    “Fuck you old man” this IS America

  10. inshamblesx

    Spurs fans were right to boo that mercenary

  11. Caulifloweralley

    Total virtue signaling by pop or possible dementia. Either way it was strange

  12. throwawayjoeyboots

    POP is arguably the Goat of coaching. I give him respect and he’s a good dude. But he’s also like the living cliche of the wealthy liberal elitist. Very annoying sometimes.

  13. DariaYankovic

    Leonard for the Spurs is like a boyfriend or girlfriend who ghosts a person. when that person gets annoyed at being ghosted and wants some closure, says, “see, you are so clingy-that’s why I had to leave you”

  14. SnooPies5622

    uh oh but im afraid that *is* San Antonio, Pop

    always funny when people use the “that’s not who we are” rhetoric in the face of people being who they are

  15. kograkthestrong

    I was booing at home and it felt like getting scolded by my grandpa

  16. TexasDrunkRedditor

    Must have been all those big ol women

  17. No-trouble-here

    This city hates kawhi more than they love pop. Gotta love how much it backfired

  18. jimbswim

    Spurs fan here: I was so conflicted about this episode. Pop draws hella water with the fanbase so I tend to listen to him and follow his lead, but I despise and abhor Kawhi and I would’ve been booing, myself, too

  19. or_maybe_this

    pop doesn’t give a fuck about weirdness, dude was standing up for his friend

  20. makashiII_93

    NBA equivalent of “OK, Boomer.”


    If it was good enough for Tim Duncan, it should have been good enough for Kawhi.

    And now Ballmer has been ripped off. Kawhi with a full ski-mask.

    If he plays 41 games this year I will be SHOCKED.

  21. RGxiRapiidz

    Spurs are a solid organisation to be fair still remember them giving Dirk a very touching in game highlight package.

  22. Slacker_75

    Pop and Kerr are great coaches but it’s really annoying how Political they both are. I try to watch sports to get away from that shit that’s thrown in our face the rest of the day

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