@National Basketball Association

[Yahoo Sports] Zion Williamson reportedly said he’s currently 281 pounds, less than he weighed at Duke (285), and intends to be 272 when the NBA regular season begins.

[Yahoo Sports] Zion Williamson reportedly said he’s currently 281 pounds, less than he weighed at Duke (285), and intends to be 272 when the NBA regular season begins.

by Naweezy


  1. Good for him! He got (rightfully) shit on for years. Glad he’s finally taken his career seriously!

  2. MegatronDon_

    I wonder if he will regain some of the bounce he lost since Duke or if that’s just gone now

  3. Chefs in New Orleans are telling me that Zion is leaving food on the table

  4. strwbryshake

    NOLA restaurant owners are beside themselves. All driving around downtown New Orleans begging (thru texts) Williamson’s family for the address of his old athletic trainer

  5. coacoanutbenjamn

    His first step is going to be ridiculous next season

  6. Please Zion, in your 1st espn interview just say “fuck stephen a.” And walk away.

  7. gablekevin

    Holy fuck the amount of people that are just taking this as “OMG HES GOT IT FIGURED OUT WATCH OUT LEAGUE” apparently have never known or dealt with weight problems in there life. Let’s see how things look by mid season before anyone begins to think this under control.

    I’m glad he’s putting in the effort now but it’s a long road you have to stay on every day for the rest of your life.

  8. Wavepops

    if hes 280 now that means this dude was regularly playing at 300 pounds lmao. hes the most explosive 300 pound person in the history of sports, this is insane

  9. ObviousAnswerGuy

    fyi, this is what his step-dad told a reporter, not Zion. Great title Yahoo.

  10. baddumbtsss

    Good for him. He looked devastated after that hammy injury in the playin, and the Pels never really recovered afterwards. Maybe it was the wake-up call he needed to finally shed that extra weight.

  11. walterdog12

    We’re in the “best shape of his life” part of the offseason now.

  12. HackWaters

    So this man really was playing games at 300+ pounds. That’s amazing.

  13. thedrcubed

    That’s great news. Zion is so fun to watch

  14. RealPrinceJay

    I believe it because it’s a specific number lol

  15. jhussong91

    if he’s down to 281 i wanna know how high he got when he was playing. did he touch 320?

  16. Interesting. On one hand, it kind of eliminates his big competitive advantage. On the other hand, that advantage doesn’t matter if it comes at the price of him never playing.

    I’m excited to see how it plays out. No matter what, healthy Zion is great for basketball

  17. Emotional-Chef-7601

    Pelicans wasted 4 years before Zion tried to be serious

  18. fostyinthebuilding

    We haven’t seen a real Zion poster yet and I hope we get it this season

  19. j_cruise

    I really hope he has an amazing season, but right now “Zion is losing weight this summer” is the new “Ben Simmons is working on his three”

  20. hand_truck_ham

    Thanks Zion for kicking off “best shape of my life season” Mazel Tov!

  21. baldybas

    So he in fact did not need a porn star to help him lose weight and be the next GOAT?!

  22. bartolomeudebraganca

    They just need a center even more. Zion can’t bang in the paint with this weight

  23. Dymatizeee

    Sounds like when they said Ben Simmons is ready to go

  24. unoriginalgarbage

    Not sure if that picture of him from a few days ago got posted in here but he does look noticeably thinner than he has the past couple years

  25. combat101

    Gonna be flying around next season, I can feel it

  26. wasnt bron like 6’9 280 in his prime? their body type doesnt look the same, but i guess muscle weighs more than fat (well they weigh the same, the volume of fat is just double than muscle.)

  27. Deblooms

    I am 6’7 281 and still pretty fat tbh. Obviously the muscle to fat ratio is extremely different between us lol, but I couldn’t imagine playing at 272 in my twenties, 225-240 is where it’s at.

  28. almostasenpai

    I first read this ignoring the comma so I thought, “So he’s four pounds? That doesn’t seem right”

  29. TheMoorNextDoor

    Either he got the motivation like a mf or he like started up the ozempic train but either way, he better keep it up.

  30. 272 still seems very high for 6’6. How much was he before, like the high point?

  31. TheBlakeRunner

    So is this gonna be like the new Ben Simmons offseason shooting videos we see each year?

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