@Miami Heat

One year later thoughts on this trade package?

One year later thoughts on this trade package?

by baarablood


  1. the bucks have dame giannis kris brooks, they still got out in the first round.
    Seeing how much Jovic grew and the need we have for the position he plays is fucking awesome.
    Tyler plays fucking great basketball, if he would except his “manu” role our depth actually fucking matters and can cause opposing coaches to shit themselves.
    As always #heatin5

  2. MyWorldTalkRadio

    Feels like a win that Portland wasn’t interested.

  3. NotTheStrongest

    Lmao nah that sht would’ve been a massive L for us

  4. Vurtune011

    Unless we were super healthy and won the ring, it wouldn’t be worth the price

  5. If it could have been done without Tyler — I wouldn’t have been mad.

  6. thefranchise305

    So in the multiverse where this trade was accepted… snap your fingers and Jaime, Ware, and Larsson are gone

  7. Nuclearsunburn

    As low as I am on Tyler, I’m way lower on that Dame contract. Bullet dodged

  8. OceanicLemur

    Suns got Nurk and Grayson Allen for that bum Ayton.

    Celtics got Jrue for the ghost of Robert Williams and the remains of Malcolm Brogdon.

    Bucks and Blazers were somehow the biggest losers in that trade.

  9. Spirited-Living9083

    Fk the blazers I hope that franchise is in forever purgatory

  10. Sss00099

    Since Dame couldn’t even make it to the playoffs, I’m just fine with how it went.

    Ended up with Terry not making it to the playoffs either, but it didn’t cost us Tyler or Niko.

  11. DonJMIA305

    As lopsided as that trade would’ve been that whole shit show was orchestrated by Joe Cronin and ultimately the Portland Trailblazers and their fans were the ones that lost massively. They lost Dame Dollars and and got even a worst trade package and nobody wants to play for that franchise because they know how dirty they did to their best player.

  12. ChrisLipss

    At this point I’m good. It’s Portland who should be wondering about it.

  13. LoFiChillin

    Would’ve been a bad deal a year ago and still a bad deal even in retrospect. That’s too much to get someone that doesn’t immediately make the Heat a top 3-4 team. I like Dame but not thaaaaaaaaat much.

    Same w the Donovan Mitchell hopium trades when they came out.

  14. chitownbulls92

    “Were willing”. They never actually offered it. We know they didn’t because it’s well reported that the 2 sides weren’t even talking. No way Cronin would’ve said no if that package was ever on the table. It’s just something the FO had media put out to cover up the fumble and shift blame solely onto Cronin.

  15. South_Conference2617

    I refuse to talk about this, change the subject

  16. extrasupermanly

    Give Spo a fucking Tuba and he’ll get you something .
    He is your team strongest weapon .
    Dame with Buttler and Bam would have gone toe toe with the Cs
    Hell you got one game with g leaguers
    As a Buck ma fan , your offence would have worked so well , you’ve already know how to hide bad defenders

  17. Tangerine605

    Heat reporters said the package was different from that…

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