@Golden State Warriors

Lolll this Steph-ism going mainstream and not being just a Warriors fan deep cut is amazing. It’s so true though 💀

Lolll this Steph-ism going mainstream and not being just a Warriors fan deep cut is amazing. It’s so true though 💀

by taygads


  1. FallacyFrank

    Thought it was gonna be “Steph’s ability to shoot 93717% when picking the ball up after he’s just fumbled it”

  2. hellmath

    No one counted yet Steph’s average chew per game on his mouthpiece?

  3. thelastestgunslinger

    While we’re patting our team on the back, let’s celebrate Draymond’s ability to stop a 3-on-1 fast break.

  4. Pndrizzy

    I went to U of A when McConnell was there, never speak down on TJ

    I guess that Steph kid will probably be pretty good too

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