@Philadelphia 76ers

Roster turnover as of now

Roster turnover as of now

by trust-theprocess


  1. trust-theprocess

    In terms of type of player it might be more accurate to say Hield/McCain, Melton/Gordon, and House/RC4, but in terms of roles this season I think it’s the other way

  2. Birdgang_naj

    Can’t say morey didn’t try. Window is open for a little while longer because of him.

  3. VitaminWheat

    I’d like to see Adem’s slab of meat

  4. Rhino-Ham

    I think the clear downgrades are Melton, House, and Bamba.

  5. Altruistic_Fun3091

    Subtracting Tobias would have been the biggest addition on its own.

  6. philly2540

    You could legit say that each slot has been upgraded.

  7. nugcityharambe

    The only ones that aren’t clear improvements are hield/Gordon and melton/rc4. Definitely a chance they end up being improvements tho

  8. Deep_Egg1442

    Payne better than reggie all I gotta say

  9. Dapper-Stage8147

    I really wish we could have gotten a longer look at Hield + Embiid, unfortunate. Warriors will be an interesting team this year.

    Melton was a great role player but hard to miss a player that is hurt so often. Payne>Jackson. But this roster is Tuff.

    Morey haters are eating crow.

  10. Different-Ad9986

    Love that the bball Paul highlight/welcome back reel is going to be 10x’s better than tobi’s….during the same game no less.

  11. girlfriend_pregnant

    Well when you put it like that..

  12. coreynj2461

    I know he didnt have a good playoff performance, but losing paul reed still hurts

  13. Hairyjon

    I dont think people realize how big of difference not having Tobias Harris on the roster is yet. The PTSD wont be gone until at least the end of this coming season.

  14. jawntothefuture

    Seeing it like this is so fucking sexy. Embiid had our squad last year as a solid 2nd seed before his injury. We’ve really got a squad!

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