@National Basketball Association

Jayson Tatum on the last few months: “It’s been a crazy summer. Fortunate enough to win my second gold medal…That was a hell of an experience. Finally won an NBA championship.”

Jayson Tatum on the last few months: “It’s been a crazy summer. Fortunate enough to win my second gold medal…That was a hell of an experience. Finally won an NBA championship.”

by Goosedukee


  1. koj12144

    Won a ring, got to get some well deserved rest en route to a gold medal, whats there to not like lmao

  2. AgadorFartacus

    Only the 4th player in history to get 1st Team, a title, and Olympic gold in the same year (Jordan, Pippen, LeBron)

  3. raylan_givens6

    Someone signed his yearbook “Have a crazy bitchin’ summer!”

    he finally got the motivation he needed

  4. Gabagoolianare

    I say this having seen the Mavs lose to the Celtics in the Finals. The hate on Tatum is crazy for how good he is. Dude has been the first option on Boston for several tough playoff runs, then won a championship on top of his second gold medal and 1st team selection. Already a HOF career in the making.

  5. CoyoteDecent2

    I don’t like the guy but the way Steve Kerr did him dirty was pathetic. Steve Kerr has been the most unlike able person in the nba for a while now.

  6. flamingviper3175

    Hope his jump shot comes back. I feel his bulking up might’ve messed up his shooting form.

  7. Waste-Load-5476

    The discourse surrounding this guy is absolutely broken lol

  8. currythirty

    I can never shake the forced corny ass anything is possible thing

  9. Limp_Estimate_2375

    As a Pacers fan, I actually really like Tatum & Brown. Class acts and do a lot for their respective communities, not to mention being GREAT basketball players!

  10. ktdotnova

    The fact that he’s a prototypical wing in the modern NBA and modern basketball. Best player on the best team that BREEZED to an title by a wide margin (only team that won 60+ games)… But he’s getting DNP’s in Olympics is just down-right WEIRD lol. It’s just weird that the coaches decided he can’t contribute anything meaningful.

  11. Cxarface

    Lot of shit he did was corny road to the championship but I cannot hate him to be honest because he’s a young player who lives in the head space of mimicking his favorite players, which every one of us is doing. Maybe he’s being %100 himself, still achieving his dreams of trying to be like Kobe by posing like that after winning the championship, we actually don’t know.

    Its corny yes. But why not? I chewed my tshirt playing pick up basketball for years trying to mimic Kobe and let my tongue out driving to the hole mimicking Jordan. I wanted to be like Mike, be like Kobe. As a professional basketball player that at his level, yeah maybe he should not do that for his self image. But maybe he don’t care as well. That’s my take. He’s a hard working man honest and humble man at the end of the day and I cannot hate on him because of that.

  12. BoSocks91

    When, not if…he fixes his shooting stroke…watch out.

    Regardless, couldn’t be prouder to be a fan of this team.

  13. WikiHowWikiHow

    Hes about to win his second because you internet nerds cant refrain from talking shit

  14. Cantguard-mike

    Tatums the best you can possibly be without being a tier 1 superstar ….but he’s barely even started his prime which is even crazier

  15. Perfect_Employment83

    He’s a champ but respect to Kerr playing the veterans kd / bron / curry … 80% or more because it’s looking like it will be there last Olympics except curry I think he has 2 more in him 🔥

  16. For a little context. This interview is inside a boys and girls club in St. Louis that Tatum grew up playing in. He came back and partnered with 2k and repainted the floor with a custom paint job. He’s a stand up guy for that. Much respect to him for giving back.

  17. thesonicvision

    On the other hand…

    * You lost the Conf. Finals MVP and Finals MVP to your running mate
    * You no longer look like the clear best player on your team
    * You continued to shoot poorly for long stretches of games and throughout the playoffs
    * You got DNPs on the Olympics team and when you did play it was clear you had the most unreliable and inefficient offense on the whole team
    * You failed to significantly improve as a finisher, ballhandler, or a shooter; you failed to develop a reliable offensive game

  18. And still was just a passenger along for the ride

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