@Indiana Pacers

Eleventh – Who’s our best rim protector of all-time?

Results for Best Perimeter Defender:

1) Ron Ron

2) Derrick McKey

3) PG

4) Don Buse

5) Jalen Rose…👀

by CoveredInBillsScars


  1. Honorable mention to Myles Turner. Ty helped to unlock his offensive game but he’s always been a rim defender

  2. mwhutson89

    I’ll make a case for Myles. He is a two time league leader in blocks and the franchise all time leader in blocks. Roy was great on D but played on a team known for its D. For several years Myles was the only thing we had that resembled defense.

  3. In today’s NBA, it was probably Roy. But shout out to the Davis Bros for protecting the rim by not letting a MFer get near it.

  4. Myles.

    It’s probably going to be Roy for the verticality piece, but Myles has about the same highs and for way longer.

    Shoutout JO for being underrated here.

  5. Lucky_Lefty23

    Feel like the Pacers have a lot of good talent here over the last 30 years. Turner, Hibbert, ONeal, Davis Bros, young Smits

  6. kingrandyfloyd

    I’d go Myles but Smits and Hibbert deserve acknowledgment

  7. WillTwerk4Clout

    It’s asking for the franchise’s best rim defender and Myles just set the franchise record for blocks. It’s Myles.



  9. Upper_Phrase1460

    Roy was the anchor of the #1 ranked defense back in the BC/GS era that made back to back ECF against the Heatles. It has to be him. And I’m saying this as the biggest Myles stan.

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