@Memphis Grizzlies


Although we have never won a championship I feel like the grizzlies have served their purpose in the city entertaining us. But miserable? I’m more miserable being a titans fan if anything.

by Kahku


  1. savvysav9753

    We’ve had the injury bug long enough that it’s spoiled at least 6 seasons of the last 10 years. I’d say it’s pretty accurate.

  2. Any list that doesn’t have the Jets first is just wrong and not worth paying attention to.

  3. silly-rabbitses

    I don’t know about how we stack up against other sports like this, but the Grizzlies fans have had a rough go at it lately.

  4. Ok_Target5058

    Hard disagree with this list. I’m with you OP. I feel like our fanbase is pretty optimistic and still finds storylines to enjoy in off years.

    You don’t hear constant complaints about ownership or coaching like you do in other fanbases.

  5. large__farva

    Cardinals should be higher, oldest franchise in the league and no SB wins/a single appearance. Three teams above them with multiple SBs? Lol.

    Where are the mariners, the only team in the mlb to never win a WS (or even appear in one)? More ruptured testicles in team history than playoff wins.

    The fucking bulls and their 6 rings are on this list, it is trash/nonsense.

  6. TFt347sWaB

    i follow every single team’s sub. ours is easily among the most chill, optimistic, and loyal. vibes here are fantastic. my guess is, this dude got butthurt in a twitter fight with a grizzlies fan once.

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