@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Matt Barnes inexplicably pulls up from half-court with three and a half seconds left, despite the Grizzlies having multiple timeouts and being down two. He still proceeds to drain the game-winner!

[Highlight] Matt Barnes inexplicably pulls up from half-court with three and a half seconds left, despite the Grizzlies having multiple timeouts and being down two. He still proceeds to drain the game-winner!

by Pyromania1983


  1. nibbinoo8

    those memphis jerseys kinda nice but don’t really fit the grizzlies aesthetic

  2. SuicidalDude511

    I guess he was in a rush to go after Derek Fisher.

  3. brotherwhocares

    dude accidentally hit X and ragebaited a whole NBA team

  4. pharmaballa911

    That’s a no no no no YES shot if I’ve ever seen one

  5. DynamixRo

    He knows exactly why he took that shot, but can’t talk about it publicly.

  6. snowflakemod1000

    Matt barnes looks like he needs to borrow money from malcom x’s gf to support his smack habit.

  7. AtlantaSportsHype

    Did he ever talk about why he shot this on his podcast?

  8. Eveningstar224

    He call that timeout then the play won’t be centered around him..might as well take the risk to flex how clutch you are

  9. Better_Challenge5756

    Obligatory Matt Barnes is a tool post.

  10. Impossible_Dish_2197

    Courtney Lee trying to rip my mans head off 🤣

  11. dumbfounddead

    Why didn’t a timeout come from the bench or other guys on the court as soon as he rebounded that ball?

  12. Fluffytheman69

    That smile, Barnes knows he just got away with some pure & utter bullshit

  13. janosdmarton

    What I don’t get is why the Pistons player who rebounded the ball with 8 seconds left didn’t either call timeout (looks like they had one?) or kick it out, rather than flail wildly with a terrible shot? They’d be up 2 with the ball…

  14. captainsuperfuc

    I don’t know how to explain it, but Matt Barnes is my favorite basketball player.

  15. JaymesGames

    How in the world is Marcus morris the one taking that shot with the game on the line

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