@Toronto Raptors

The recently retired Goran Dragic is the most annoying! Rudy Gay and Hedo came Next! Now, who’s the Raptor with most potencial?

The comment with most upvotes wins, any player from Raptors history can be selected and a player can win more than one category (please don't take this as serious, it is just a chance to have an healthy discussion ☺️)

by tomasmcarneiro


  1. zellmerz

    It’s gotta be Scottie or Vince. Vince had **incredible** athleticism and had so much potential, but I think I would give the edge to Scottie. Scottie’s all around package to me gives him the edge on pure potential.

  2. CazOnReddit

    Well we might as well move on to the next section, we know Scottie is winning most potential even if the correct answer is Ulrich Chomche

    Remember: Most potential doesn’t mean they’ll reach it

  3. Caleb_MckinnonNB

    It has to to Tracy McGrady, that man was up there with Kobe before his injuries started to take over

  4. Vince without a doubt, dude had GOAT potential, just lacked the killer instinct.

  5. efmanrulz

    Is this who HAD the most or currently HAS the most?

  6. canadasteve04

    Bruno – his whole career was based off his potential alone

  7. jjkiller26

    Vince Carter. Shouldn’t be close at all

  8. carbsandkms

    Most potential might very well be: Ulrich Chomche

  9. MassiveTelevision387

    I’m gonna vote t Mac. Especially in the context of him being a raptor. We were playing him like he was a mediocre bench player , who then immediately became one of the best players in the league

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