@National Basketball Association

[Slater] Steve Kerr and the Warriors want sophomore guard Brandin Podziemski to take 8-10 Three Pointers per game next season


“A big focus for them was me shooting more 3s,” Podziemski said. “I don’t know what I shot, but I shot a pretty good percentage. I just didn’t get up enough attempts.”

Podziemski made 38.5 percent of his 3s, but he only took 3.2 per game.
“They want me to take anywhere (from) eight to 10 per game. That’s what they told me,” Podziemski said. “All different types: off dribble handoffs, off ball screens, catch-and-shoot.”

The jump from 3.2 attempts per game to roughly 10 appears overly ambitious. Only 10 players in the league averaged eight or more per game last season. Curry, Dončić and Thompson were the only three to get up more than nine per game.

“I think I can get to that amount,” Podziemski said. “The reason they said that is because I’d be watching film last season after every game, and it’s always on there: Missed 3-point opportunity that I didn’t take. There were a good two to four each game that I passed up. If you look at that, it’s a good five to seven per game I could’ve got up.

“Now with Klay being gone, Chris (Paul) being gone, someone is going to have to handle the ball a little bit more. I think I’m more than capable of doing that. Given that, I think it leads me to have more 3s.”

by Goosedukee


  1. ReturnOfAKidNamedTae

    Steve ain’t trying to change that system when Steph leaves

  2. nbaistheworst

    Translation: Please replace Klay in the starting lineup!

  3. LOL

    I love this timeline of the Warriors. It’s been a good one, Steph.

  4. masteraleph

    Tbh he could’ve easily gotten up at least 6 per game last year- there were a lot of times where he passed up 3s for going in for a 2. He has a quick release but needs to be more comfortable that he can get the shot off before the defender gets there

  5. Delusional_Lynchpin-

    Brandin “Anthony Davis” Podziemski

    Steve “Darvin Hamas” Kerr

  6. kapatinphalcon

    I’m very high on Podz, so i can seem him absolutely breaking out if he has the green light

  7. Dymatizeee

    So how many will Hield and Melton take ??

  8. imminentjogger5

    gotta make up for Klay’s volume. Hopefully at a better efficiency.

  9. Hanamiya0796

    Just don’t get too comfortable I guess or you get the Draymond special

  10. DoubleAmigo

    Look hoss, this offense dont work if the SG isnt taking 8 a game

  11. BoogerSugarSovereign

    They’re going full Celtics. Between Steph, Podz, and Buddy you’re probably averaging 35-45 3PA per game if Kerr has his way. I think they are trying to get to about 50% of their attempts being threes it sounds like.

    Unfortunately it doesn’t look like they have the pieces to execute the amazing defense part of the plan but maybe appreciably better shooting can give them more leeway. Will be interesting to see if they can get there on the 3PAs

  12. paranoidmoonduck

    this is the correct big swing.

    Podz was one of the best 3p shooters in his class (44% on 6+ attempts), but he did a huge amount of that shooting off-the-dribble (compared to guys like Hawkins or Dick, who were more classic movement c&s shooters). As a rookie he wasn’t really confident taking a lot of those pull-up 3’s and wasn’t as used to taking pure catch & shoot attempts (he’d hesitate and lose his window to shoot and then would look to playmake from there). Even given that, from Feb 1st through the end of the year (36 games) he shot 39% from outside.

    no one quite knows yet what Podz’s ceiling is, because he’s so uncommonly good at so many little things that typically guys start doing in their 4th or 5th year (if ever), but you don’t know what his main value driver will wind up being. if he can be the type of shooter he was at Santa Clara, it’ll open up his entire offensive game and he’ll be able to use that anticipation and floor reading so much more because of the space and reaction the defense has to him on the perimeter. it’ll completely transform him as an offensive player.

  13. RVAIsTheGreatest

    With the way this roster is constructed, this is the way they’re gonna win games. Podz is gonna have to shoot from the perimeter. He’s gonna be asked to be a scorer this season. Kerr knows damn well they can’t rely on Steph to take on the world and succeed.

    Podz has the shooting talent for it but it is a huge adjustment and responsibility. The bigger question is really with Kuminga. One of he or Wiggins has to be passable from 3, or there’s just not enough spacing.

  14. youngmostafa

    😭 what about buddy heild

    The hell kerr doing man

  15. dizzymidget44

    Moses Moody punching the air right now

  16. Batman_in_hiding

    Are the warriors really that delusional that they think they can just recreate curry?

  17. QuoteOpposite6511

    Kerr with Tatum: less shots, more high fives.

    Kerr with Podziemski: let em’ fly boy!

  18. IgnorantGenius

    Way to tell all the other 29 teams your strategy. I hope he has a nicely planned pump fake into a side step 3 or like Steph with the pass and relocate.

  19. LordJxnkulous

    I think with all this recent attention they are trying to raise his trade value.

  20. United-Pumpkin4816

    They saw what divencenzo could do if given the green light

  21. pocket_passss

    “…and we’re gonna call you Klay” 

  22. TheLaughingRhino

    I like Pod as a player, but it’s becoming more and more clear that Kerr is vastly overrated as a coach. I love the Warriors but I wish we had Spolestra instead.

    For the love of all that is good and holy, please give Moody some minutes.

  23. zootedzoomer

    “we can recreate prime klay in the aggregate”

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