@National Basketball Association

Shaquille O’Neal and mathematics. April 26th, 2018.

Shaquille O’Neal and mathematics. April 26th, 2018.

by MrBuckBuck


  1. Weird-Lie-9037

    Shaqā€¦. Confusing closed captioning for twenty five years

  2. _Tar_Ar_Ais_

    Shaq is like 99% of the people who reply to posts in /r/explainlikeimfive, so incredibly wrong but so confident that they assert their opinion anyways

  3. ElTuco84

    I’m going to miss these guys so much after 2025.

  4. Longjumping_Kale3013

    It sounds like he is thinking that the first half of the tank is 20$ and the 2nd is 60$.

    If anything, it’s the other way around. Gas has weight, and having a full tank decreases your gas mileage slightly. So it is better to drive it closer to empty

  5. Im_a_Knob

    im not convinced that someone did not write this bit. no one is this dumb and confidently incorrect like this.

  6. MrMatt808

    Every time I watch this I think to myself, ā€œIā€™ll understand what Shaq was getting at this timeā€ but no. Iā€™m always left even more confused

  7. CandidateDecent1391

    two plus two is four

    minus one thats three quick maffs

  8. Loud_Examination_138

    This was awesome. I’ll laugh my ass off every time I see it

  9. doctorfeelwood

    He can count his checks. And there are a lot of them. Doesnā€™t seem to need much more.

  10. fetusface101

    Reminder that Shaq has a Doctorate. Lol

  11. WhoShotMrBurns

    If you fill it up halfway, thatā€™s $40. But if you add Kurt Angle to the mix, then itā€™s $20

  12. Gerasans

    Just an example, that it doesn’t matter how dumb you are. If you have money, you`ll become a doctor

  13. patentattorney

    Shaq at some point said he is like the pathagoreom Theorem. There is no answer. Well there is an answer but by the time you figured it out he has 40 points and 10 boards.

  14. LilHercules

    Shaq, Americaā€™s beloved elongated simpleton.

  15. klayyyylmao

    Why would Kenny care about gas money anyways?

  16. AnywhereOk1153

    I will never not upvote this video, one of the greatest pieces of basketball media ever

  17. ImNotAtAllCreative81

    Shaq’s math teacher was Scott Steiner.

  18. Madterps2021

    Shaq is an example of a person with a PHD doesn’t mean you’re intelligent.

  19. I understand what Shaq is saying . He thinks Kennyā€™s annoyance is that the 80$ is all at one time in a lump sum. So heā€™s saying just do 20$ every time so you arenā€™t waiting as long and annoyed about the larger amount all at one time. The math heā€™s doing is something entirely šŸ˜‚

  20. Heā€™s trying to make another point but is just not explaining himself properly lol

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