@National Basketball Association

Michael Porter Jr. says the money makes playing in the NBA feel more like a job “ a max contract comes a lot of expectations on consistency. “

“I would have played this game for free as long as I could eat. I loved it… The money sometimes makes it a little bit harder to enjoy the game because with a max contract comes a lot of expectations on consistency, oh you’re supposed to be an All-Star, you’re supposed to be this, that…”

by Fit-Structure-9395


  1. nbaistheworst

    Awwww – poor millionaire isn’t having fun

  2. Justin_FieldsisElite

    Just be like Ben Simmons. Man look at Ben sitting on the bench in his designer clothes with his max contract not giving a f. So inspirational.

  3. Yes, the club wants to see a return on their massive investment, shocking.

  4. bellowingdragoncrest

    I like mpj- I was at the game he hurt his back. Seems like a good dude all around.

    I actually like this level of candor – I’m sure it IS a lot of pressure when you make a ton of money and have to live up to it. I mean I don’t feel bad for him, he’s set for life, but I’m sure there is a lot of pressure and it’s interesting to read about it rather than just the average nothing interviews most players give

  5. teskester

    I get it. Play is different from work. To play is to do something for the sake of just doing it. E.g., playing basketball for the sake of playing basketball. To work is to do something for the sake of earning money or making a living. Two entirely different things, and likely not everyone enjoys basketball as work.

  6. TheeRoyceP

    Completely detached from the reality of the fans that watch him

  7. herbjonesmybeloved

    every time this dude opens his mouth it’s some dumb shit. pls stop letting him speak

  8. chickenripp

    I will take the “expectation of consistency” for a max contract in the nba. Hell I already have that in my job and I make jack shit.

    also there is literally no pressure. you can quit at any time and if you aren’t a complete dumb ass with your money you are set for life…. sorry forgot MPJ is a complete dumb ass

  9. movadolover

    Now let me play the worlds SMALLEST violin….

  10. TingusPingus_6969

    So…. Accept a mid level, nobody’s gonna complain about his inconsistent play

  11. GnarPlatinum

    Maybe he should try finding ways to make it more fun, like placing wagers on games.

  12. Ethangains07

    So what, making 15 mil felt like part-time? Huh?

  13. Name-Bunchanumbers

    His brother made money by underperforming on expectations. He’s just jealous.

  14. FrankSamples

    That’s how I feel at my work when they pay me

  15. Farmafarm

    Ummm it is a job. Derrr they pay me to do this so now it feels like a job.

    Our society is so dumb.

  16. We can trade jobs whenever you’re ready Mike. It’s even better down here where you get to do something you hate for no money

  17. Electrical-Mule-2057

    This sub is clearly going to have a healthy response to his comments lmao

  18. an_Aught

    my man makes 20 million per game. I have a super hard time not judging every shot he takes against that 20 million per game.

  19. BKtoDuval

    lol what did you expect though? You think they paid you tens of millions to be a nice guy? Or that kissy face you’re making? You could certainly play for free if you’d like

  20. TheReal_BucNasty


    Imagine in life getting promoted and who would guess the expectations rise with them?

  21. SomberMerchant

    This guy (and his family) are clearly not the sharpest tools in the shed…

  22. Comfortable-Front429

    Who keeps giving this guy a mic?

  23. elScorXXo

    That’s crazy cuz he would probably be working at WalMart if he wasn’t in the NBA

  24. lagrange_james_d23dt

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what he said, but I’m sure he wouldn’t want it any other way, either.

  25. johnjohnjohn93

    He probably thought this was so insightful. Wow Michael, a giant pay raise and there’s more expectations? That’s like… every job ever?

  26. I went to my job and didn’t get paid to hoop later that day… bro STFU

  27. tayroarsmash

    What the fuck does Michael Porter Jr know about working a job?

  28. Carolake1

    I don’t know why anyone is being snarky or taking offense at this. All he is saying is getting a max contract means you have pressure to perform. He is totally correct. You can all talk about how much you would do it or whatever, but you would feel the pressure and stress, too.

  29. CartographyMan

    Poor guy, gets paid millions to hoop, don’t worry, he’ll pull through.

  30. SpirituallyAwareDev

    Some real insecurities y’all have to get mad at a quote like this. The idea of basketball turning into a job for players Is not new

  31. Fitzyy23

    when you have to show up to work everyday :/

  32. VeniceRapture

    Well then don’t sign the max contract bro. Take a smaller extension lol

  33. Highly paid employee expected to be highly performing employee. Makes sense to me?

  34. charging_chinchilla

    I will graciously offer to take the extra money off your hands so you can enjoy basketball again Michael

  35. mattgodin7

    I would been an accountant for free as long as I could eat. I loved it… The money sometimes makes it a little bit harder to enjoy the spreadsheets because with a job offer comes a lot of expectations on consistency, oh you’re supposed to be at work on time, you’re supposed to be this, that…

  36. _Tar_Ar_Ais_

    hopefully he figures it out, comments are funny otherwise

  37. MoooonRiverrrr

    Nothing remotely controversial about anything he said here. You’ve heard actors, musicians, painters, all say the same thing.

    Y’all don’t try to spin this into some “boo hoo I make millions of dollars”

  38. The good ol’ imposter syndrome even on NBA level 😅

  39. Cheezy_Dick_Itch

    🤦‍♂️ Some of y’all’s comments…….

    Is he really not allowed to say money and expectations have taken some of the fun out of his job? He’s not asking anyone to cry for a millionaire, he’s just stating how he feels.

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