@Chicago Bulls

Someone had to seriously do it for the Chicago Bulls so here’s my grid… Thoughts?

Someone had to seriously do it for the Chicago Bulls so here’s my grid… Thoughts?

by HyseNjerry16


  1. no way is Kornet the worst when Dalibor Bagaric and Dragan Tarlac exist.

  2. king_of_the_bongos

    Zach should be in the most overrated. Shameful putting an MVP there. Also Kirk is the best shooter as he literally holds the record for most 3s. Op low-key a 🤡

  3. Tom_Brady_Cheats

    Most overrated is Zach Lavine. Done nothing for the franchise but you would swear we would have been sniffing the ECF every year the way he’s talked about in here.

  4. GustGR12_

    Capitain Kirk, BJ Armstrong and Steve Kerr are better shooters then Lavine

  5. No_Neighborhood_2494

    Somehow Matas Buzelis has more potential than Michael Fucking Jordan and D Rose

  6. Mr-Chip18

    Rose being most overrated is wild and suspension worthy IMO… Kornet isn’t even the worst player on the damn grid let alone Bulls history

  7. 34payton07

    This is awful, like really awful. Delete this nephew

  8. Breakfastman42069

    So disrespectful, get Luke off the worst and put Denzel in there..

  9. This is SO wrong!! All of these should be Coby White

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