@New York Knicks

Why I am not worried about Julius Randle

I wrote a little post explaining why, going into the upcoming season, Julius Randle does not worry me. My first piece, welcome to criticism and comments. I hope you enjoy.

by TDM_11


  1. dumbButSmarterThanU

    The only people worried about Randle are outsiders who feed off the dumbass shit others in the media say. Literally no reason to be worried.

  2. pichukirby

    I’ve seen more posts about people talking about how they believe in Randle than posts doubting him tbh

  3. nedlymandico

    Who the fuck is worried about Randle. If you watch the Knicks you know he is ready to kick ass this year nothing else.

  4. Mental-Doughnuts

    Worried? No, we’re excited to have him back healthy and ready to rock.

  5. mattbrianjess

    Because you want people to read your substack.

  6. Fair_Government_9914

    Well written piece 👏

    My only concern with Randle, which I’ve brought up before, is how a player as physical as he is, who takes the majority of FG attempts from 5 ft or less from the basket, will respond to the shoulder surgery.

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