@Portland Trail Blazers

Clifford Robinson wins best role player… and thats a wrap. Which players would you have changed?

Clifford Robinson wins best role player… and thats a wrap. Which players would you have changed?

by Throwawaybob2225


  1. Sheed on there somewhere. Maybe funniest or best post. LMA as best post is a joke.

  2. Loose_Voice_215

    Probably could have divided up the wasted potential category into a few different ones since we have so many. Then we could get B Roy on the list.

  3. UnionBlvd

    Roy over CJ, Walton or Zach over LA. Oden as most wasted potential doesn’t seem fair, I’d argue Darius Miles.

  4. 40_Is_Not_Old

    Best in the post should be Walton or Zbo. LMA & Sheed were both happiest when they had free reign to be jump shooters.

  5. Mindful_Cyclist

    My biggest takeaway from this all is that there is no Brandon Roy and Sheed anywhere.

  6. chzformymac

    B Roy not on a blazers list is a crime in itself

    Edit: and that fat bitch Felton made it

  7. TWrX-503

    Who is deciding the picks? Can we fire you?

  8. TheeBacksideOfWater

    Nice off-season content. Thanks for posting these!

  9. bradleyrc

    My personal one would be:

    Most Underrated- Maurice (leading scorer on our championship team, all nba and all defensive player)

    Most Overrated- Sabonis (two torn achilles by 22, broken down by 30, he would have been at best a 1 or 2 time all star, which we already had in Duckworth. Nothing like Jokic, Sabonis was a big, strong, talented, slow, post player only, who was a flashy post passer but not this point center that people make him out to be. Never averaged more than 3 assists anywhere in the world. Would have been a 90’s Nikola Vucevic, which is not a bad thing at all. )

    Best- Walton (best should be who you would take at their peak, and it’s clearly Bill)

    Worst- Evan Turner (Worst should be who had the most negative impact. ET handicapped Dame’s prime years with his awful contract and consistently terribly play. Had one good quarter against Denver in game 7, but that could have been done by 100 other players we could have given that money to. You could argue that’s Olsheys fault, but how you play versus the percentage of money the team is spending on you is everything.)

    Funniest- Rasheed (Both hilariously expressive on the court, and endlessly quotable off the court.)

    Most Annoying- Robin Lopez (His schtick drove me insane, and media has said hes the hardest player they’ve ever had to deal with.)

    Most Potential- Brandon (Sabonis actually got to have a 13 year career, the majority of them in the nba! I have no idea what potential people are pretending there was when he had a full career to show what player he was. A big talented 20 and 10 guy, who might have nabbed a all star appearance or two. Brandon though, went ROY, 3x all star and all nba. Took the franchise out of the ruins in his short time here, and was far from being in his prime yet. A truly complete game, showed on an nba court that he could have been one of the greatest guards of all time. A fully healthy Brandon would have been right there with D wade as in discussion for the best SG of all time behind MJ and Kobe (and honestly, could have been in discussion with Kobe.)

    Most Wasted Potential- Rudy Fernandez (A talented and skilled two way guard who could shoot, pass, dribble, and defend, but clearly hated playing in the US immediately. We like to romanticize him, but he didn’t give a shit about playing for us, and demanded a trade and threatened to sit out for the last two years of his contract if we didn’t grant him his request. The Ben Simmons of the blazers, complete with the back issues)

    Best Passer- Andre (The most accurate passer that I’ve ever seen. Equally good in half court and transition. Best lob thrower we might ever have. His assist numbers weren’t insanely high, but that was mainly due to us having one of the slowest paced offenses in the league.)

    Best Perimeter Defender- Wes (it’s hard for me to give it to Scottie when him getting beat by Kobe’s crossover before the lob to shaq, is one of the most consequential defensive lapses in Blazer history. Wes was quick enough to guard fast guys, strong enough to guard big guys, his intensity on defense set the tone for the whole team, and he was an insanely clutch defender, always able to get stops when we needed them most. He shut down Harden in the Houston series, and stripped the ball from Kidd that led to Brandon sealing his amazing comeback against Dallas.)

    Best Rim Defender- Walton (without question, at his peak is a top 5 rim defender in NBA history.)

    Most Athletic- Clyde (also not a question, him, Jordan, and Dominique were the rare athletes that would have also been the best in the league today.)

    Best Handles- Strickland (CJ’s a good choice, but I give it to Rod because his handles had more of an impact on creating an offense for the team, while CJ’s were mostly in one on one scoring situations)

    Best Shooter- Dame (Obvious!)

    Best in Post- Lamarcus (anyone who says otherwise has created fantasies that Lamarcus didn’t like playing in the post, solely because he wasn’t a bruiser, and was more of a finesse post player. His post presence was the entire focus and scheme of some of our best teams, and it’s what we’ve been missing since he left. Lamarcus against Houston game 1 was one of the best post performances of the last 20 years in the nba.)

    Best Role Player- Kersey (I think everyone has a different definition of what a role player is, but to me, Kersey was the ultimate. Did absolutely everything on the court without being a focal point of the offense.

  10. Orwell1971

    LMA. Andre Miller played more in the post than Aldridge did.

    I would put Zach Randolph there.

  11. BehavioralSink

    Just my thought process, but I still don’t count Oden as wasted potential because I don’t equate having your career derailed by injuries as wasted potential. Wasted potential to me is when a player has natural ability but doesn’t put in the work, doesn’t develop their talent, maybe does something stupid like getting banned from the league for gambling or using PEDs. 

  12. Most blunts smoked so Sheed, Mighty Mouse or Z-Bo could if got a spot.

  13. NathanArizona

    We have The Hustle Board and no best hustler. Jerome Kersey should be on the board.

  14. Daddy_Milk

    Uncle Cliffy is a solid pick.

    Those saying Rasheed. He was one of the best power forwards in a league along with TD, Webber and KG.

    Dude was really good at D and had the fall away that was just honey sweet. Shouldn’t have fucked with Sabas though.

  15. Bouticracka

    Jamal Crawford not getting best handles was surprising to me.

  16. eckoman_pdx

    Brandon Roy for best handles. He runs circles around CJ. B Roy not making this list is downright criminal.

    Walton, Sheed or Sabonis for best post. All three could run circles around Aldridge. I’d personally choose Sheed for that since it’s also screwed up he’s not on the list.

  17. june-in-space

    Best handles AND passer should be Jamal Crawford

  18. Otherwise_Tennis8446

    get LA out of there. we all know Z-bo was the supreme bully down low

  19. Otherwise_Tennis8446

    How about best headband?

    we’ve got history

  20. gerrard_1987

    Clyde is the best Blazer ever, if not Walton. RoLo is funnier than Evan Turner. Reuben Patterson is demonstrably worse than Raymond Felton, at least as a person. Hot Rod had better handles than CJ. Z-Bo was better than LaMarcus in the post.

  21. Mysterious_Candy_466

    Sheed should be funniest and most potential

  22. TheVelvetNo

    Walton not being best in the post is a crime. LaMarcus had one move and it was a fade away because he couldn’t bang or utilize good pivot footwork. Hell, Sheed was better in the post that LaMarcus…

  23. nalydpsycho

    I would have changed Sam Bowie for Barkley or Jordan.

    Ow wait, this isn’t a category.

  24. HyperionRain

    Was there ever a time that Dame was considered the best player in the league? How about top 5? MVP? Finals MVP? What about defense? Walton was the best player that Portland ever had. It’s disrespecting his memory to say otherwise.

    Also, Walton would have destroyed Lamarcus in the post, on both sides of the ball.

    Rod Strickland should have walked away with the best handles award.

  25. mattgiraffe

    I don’t like the Dame repeat. Not that it’s untrue or wrong. This just had potential for one slot per player.

  26. dirteemartee

    Most athletic: Taze Moore
    Role Player: Batum
    Best handles: not CJMc, Porter is team assist leader, but also J Crossover (it’s in his name)

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