@National Basketball Association

Trae Young speaks on how great Michael Porter Jr was before the back issues

Trae Young speaks on how great Michael Porter Jr was before the back issues

by Potential_Meat_5103


  1. Life_Ad_2218

    MPJā€™s biggest flaw as a prospect was terrible shot selection. He took horrid shots. But he also made them.

    Everything else he couldā€™ve improved easily.

  2. CazOnReddit

    Correct me if I’m wrong but was MPJ’s draft comparison Paul George or another player like PG13? I feel like it wasn’t, that seems like a very odd choice given how different the two play.

  3. Iā€™m truly a piece of shit since this man is out here with an NBA championship with rods and shit in his back and Iā€™m over here complaining about my stiff back from sitting on the couch

  4. WembyOKCJokicReaves

    MPJ without back injuries was on the trajectory of being looked at as a LeBron, KD, AD, Zion, etc. level of a prospect

  5. nddnsjhshbsbs

    He flashes that athleticism sometimes. I thought this year he looked the best heā€™s had in a long time. You saw it on defense especially.

    Just a rough playoff outing against minny lol so no one will remember it.

  6. yeezyjesus123

    High school MPJ had me thinking he was gonna be the next Durant

  7. TaaNormalOne

    Hair looks fuller. This mfer really got that hair in turkey and sat out of nba games.

  8. Oh51Melly

    Crazy how history works. Without that injury he doesnā€™t fall to the Nuggets. Without a player as great at shooting as MPJ as their third option who knows if Denver wins a chip. The core 4 of Jokic/Murray/Gordon/MPJ when all healthy has a pretty great win % from what I remember.

  9. AstroTiger7

    I hope people can see how big of a deal serious chronic back issues can be when it’s not related to Ben Simmons.

  10. Bingbongerl

    MPJ just actually too dumb to be that amazing at this level lol

  11. misakifree

    It’s just sad that MPJ and Zion were probbably the two most naturally gifted players in the draft but both had serious injuries.

  12. Hiwo_Rldiq_Uit

    Imagine trying to play defense in the NBA with drop foot…

  13. Senior_Race_2746

    Damn Traeā€™s lisp is completely goneĀ 

  14. Being from Mizzou, I was pumped for him. He played what 8 games? And I was at bdubs couple nights ago, they still had his Mizzou jersey hanging on the wall. To have the injury he had and only play like a handful of games but still make the league is something

  15. ravekidplur

    just watch the porter brothers highschool highlights. Michael was a guaranteed star until the injuries hit that almost everyone knew were going to hit due to the hardcore vegan lifestyle.

  16. loplopplop

    May actually be one of the “still had good career but what couldve been” type players.

  17. Party-Benefit-3995

    Bet against yourself. Ā Too early?

  18. ImanShumpertplus

    thereā€™s an alternate universe league where Harry Giles, Michael Porter Jr., and Greg Oden are perennial all-NBA players

  19. LamboJoeRecs

    Dudes 26. Heā€™s just getting started.

  20. BowserBuddy123

    Iā€™m a Nuggets fan as well as a Heat fan, but I see a ton of Nuggets fans being a bit delusional thinking that one day, MPJ will just unlock all that lost potential. If you look at their sub, people still think he has the highest potential on the team, but itā€™s pretty obvious the guy is too stiff to handle. Also, he always looks stiff as hell when attacking the rim.

    His bad lower back really set him back and itā€™s a miracle his career has been as good as it has been given the chronic issues. Backs just donā€™t heal up very well. If weā€™re counting on MPJ for a leap to put us over the edge, then itā€™s going to be a bit of an off year. I am hoping Braun or Watson improve their games, because I canā€™t see MPJ all of a sudden becoming shifty or a playmaker.

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