@National Basketball Association

LeBron James has put up the most career points per game when making exactly 0 free throws, with 21.6 per game

LeBron James has put up the most career points per game when making exactly 0 free throws, with 21.6 per game

by BeAFew


  1. shanmustafa

    i know people talk about lebron and flopping, but he’s kinda always been a true bucket getter, in terms of i’m trying to finish plays and not just go for foul calls

    his career ftr is only .389, right around Kobe and Bulls Jordan

    his 4 miami years were only .426, rookie paolo had a higher ftr than any miami lebron season

    his 4 cleveland return years were only at .370

  2. A_Omega_73

    should be getting more FTA, too many non-calls because he’s a freak of nature when going down. pause. the lane

  3. SmithChristopher1

    Who has the most career ppg if you just take away all free throws? 

  4. EvenLessThanExpected

    Really thought it would be Shaq or another dominant big

  5. oldirtynumbers

    lebron and jordan right at the top of the leaderboard, just like always. those two truly are the best.

  6. ninofati88

    To be fair, he wasnt objectively a good FT shooter (career avg lower than NBA avg), so this stat is a bit skewed.

  7. cwalking2

    The more interesting statistic is 7 rows down:

    > Klay Thompson has played 286 games without getting a foul call.

    Here’s a list of NBA players who [played the most games without making a FT attempt](

    Games without a FTA FT%
    Kyle Korver 639 87.7%
    Tree Rollins 626 70.0%
    Steve Blake 622 77.9%
    Matt Bonner 604 78.0%
    Jud Buechler 590 63.3%
    Joe Kleine 572 79.3%
    Danny Green 571 80.5%
    Steve Kerr 571 86.4%
    Patty Mills 570 85.6%
    Kurt Thomas 568 76.0

    They’re mostly catch & release shooters who fired with an open window. I can’t explain Jud Buechler at all (maybe he was only allowed to shoot when he was wide open)

  8. Once Bron went to Miami his FTA’s fell of a cliff and have continued to decline ever since, the hurt/anger was very real and apparently everlasting

  9. algorithmresistant

    the volume of those games for steph and klay comapred to the other top 15 options is crazy. they really dont get the same volume of calls

  10. jessandjaysaccount

    Lillard being on here is shocking. Lebron not so much. He doesn’t depend on free throws to have a good scoring game at all. He averaged 28 in the playoffs with 4 FTA.

  11. iamaredditboy

    Stats mean Jack shit to be honest. Good player, not a great leader, not clutch in crucial moments, not like MJ or Kobe or Steph or Duncan or Hakeem or even Pippen.Robert horry has 7 nba rings. Going with that stat he is better than MJ right?

  12. jamesfeltonkeith

    The greatest scorer of all time and no one gives him credit 🤣🤣🤣

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