@National Basketball Association

[Reggie Miller in 2011] “Ray’s record will stand — maybe forever. The person who’s going to break his record might not even be born yet.”


(I swear there was an actual video but I can't seem to find it.)

Crazy that not only were two players already in the league at the time that would eventually pass his record (Steph and soon Harden), one of them is going to surpass him by over 1,000 perhaps as early as this season. Keep in mind, Reggie said this when Ray had ~2600 threes. Dame's already passed this total too, and will likely outright surpass Ray in 2 or 3 seasons.

by nutella4eva


  1. Cold_Carpenter_1798

    Damn I didn’t realize Steph was so young

  2. bobbdac7894

    Charles Barkley on the Warriors, “They’ve had a terrific season. But I don’t like jump-shooting teams. I don’t think you can make enough jumpers to win four series in a row. I’ve said that for 25 years, not just now. I think you physically manhandle them inside.”

    Steph Curry really did change basketball and proved everyone wrong. No one expecting this 3 point surge.

  3. GOAT_Redditor

    Everyone kinda sucked at three point shooting back then. I get it

  4. AirJordan6124

    Someone would actually laugh at you in 2011 when you say “watch Harden break Ray’s 3 point record someday”

  5. Reggie was still an impressive feat considering it was during the hand check era. It was bound to happen for someone like Ray and pretty much a given In today’s game where touching someone is a foul.

  6. gridironk

    Steph Curry had 247 career three pointers made the day that Ray Allen broke the 3 point record.

    Fast forward over 13 years later and Steph could very well reach 4,000 career 3 pointers made this upcoming season.

  7. MegatronDon_

    Can’t wait to post this once Luka breaks LeBron’s all time scoring record in 15 years

  8. PonkMcSquiggles

    I’ve seen multiple ‘unbreakable records’ fall in my lifetime, and I’m not even that old. People talked like this about Kareem’s career scoring record and Big O’s triple double average as recently as a decade ago.

    Unless the record in question flirts with mathematical impossibility (like Wilt’s 48.5 MPG), saying that it’ll stand forever is almost always a bad bet. It’s impossible to predict how the game will evolve, or what the next game-breaking talent will be capable of.

  9. DaddyJBird

    It’s not even that… guys could shoot, but the mentality that you couldn’t win with the 3 ball was very strong. It really took Steph and somewhat Kerr to change that mentality. Kerr sorta finally through up his hands and let Steph just shoot. You can pretty much pinpoint the date in which things started to change… March 11, 2015 Go check out the highlight from that date and it will be a top search item. If you were to do that in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s you’d find yourself on the bench.

  10. san-antonio-women

    Ray Allen 3PA average in 2011: 4.7
    Curry 3PA average last season: 11.8.

  11. anonymous_teve

    Reggie Miller: underrated all-timer as a player, trash as an announcer.

  12. rudecilantro

    Steph and Harden have completely redefined the three-point game, and now Dame’s right there too. The pace at which records are falling is a testament to how much the game has evolved.

  13. QuirkyScorpio29

    The only unbreakable record is Wilt’s 48.5 MPG from the 62 season where he also avg  50pts-25 rebs and finished 3rd in MVP voting somehow.

    Those averages are untouchable.

    His 100 PTS is reachable in a league where 70 PTS is now a little more common and maybe one day someone will play the whole 48 and like an OT to break it.

  14. NoSpinach6522

    100 points in a game isn’t falling anytime soon as far as I can tell

  15. N7Longhorn

    The one that will stand for the longest is Stocktons assists and steals

  16. The_Ashen_Queen

    The old heads just weren’t ready for how fast the league was going to change. They came up in an era where very few guys shot more than 2 or 3 3’s a game. They never imagined that 10 attempts per game would become the norm for some guys.

    I remember around this time arguing with this old dude that I used to talk basketball with. He was a regular at the restaurant I worked at and would come in almost every night. I told him that the game was changing before our eyes and that 25 attempts was gonna become the norm for teams and he just couldn’t agree. Because for his entire life, the 3 was mostly demonized.

  17. _Gibby__

    He simply didn’t see the 3 point revolution that was one the horizon. The only “unbreakable” record is probably Stockton’s assist record. The fact that Chris Paul has had a long, great career and is still 4k assists behind Stockton speaks to this.

  18. DaGuys470

    Tbf the league was vastly different back then. 2011 was around 2 years before the shift that made the NBA a 3pt league. Taking as many threes as players take these days was not thought of as desirable, so obviously the chance of anyone beating the record was slimmer back then

  19. CullenOrange

    There ought to be some consideration to %, not just total 3pm.

    Harden will make more before he retires, but at a nearly league average of 36.4% whereas Ray shot 40% from deep. There’s no question that Ray was better, and Harden probably would have had better results in his career had he passed on lots of those three point attempts.

  20. Top_Inspector_3948

    Klay has 2481 now, should give Ray’s 2973 a run for his money provided he stays healthy

  21. Akumetsu33

    Someday, a 7-foot steph curry will exist, it’s an eventuality. A guy with a lightning quick release and literally unblockable and he’s been training in modern methods since childhood, he’ll shatter every shooting record imaginable.

  22. wavylazygravydavey

    Sticking with this narrative of unbreakable records, do you guys think we’re still a generation away from another 100 point Game or is it attainable now and we just need the right circumstances for it to happen?

  23. sbenfsonwFFiF

    This is what I think about when people talk about Curry’s record standing for a very long time.

    He changed the game and the next generation is going to catch up faster than people think

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