@Chicago Bulls

If the Bulls hypothetically beat the Cavaliers and Hawks (which could’ve happened), can this Bulls team beat the Warriors team in 2015.

Our two best chances of winning an NBA championship during the D-Rose era was in 2011 and 2015.

In 2015, Bulls were up 2-1 against the Cavaliers, Derrick Rose just made a layup to tie the game to 84 with 8 seconds left in the game, Blatt comes in to the floor calling for a timeout, but Tyron Lue steps in to stop him from being spotted by a referee which in turn does happen, but what if the referee saw that and gave the Bulls the Free Throws and Possession for that mistake?

We most likely would’ve been up 3-1 in that scenario.

Now, it’s definitely possible for the Cavaliers to come back 3-1 in a series as they would do that the year after this series against the Warriors, but I think they’d be a bit demoralized for losing a good lead in Game 4.

In turn, Kyrie was not 100% in that series as well as he was just shooting spot up threes, so our chances would be pretty high to beat them at least once in the next 3 possible games.

Next series we face the Hawks, Cavaliers beat them pretty easily in their series, I think we do beat them easily, just not as easy as the Cavaliers, we’d beat them in around 5-6 games.

We face the Warriors, we split the season series with (1-1). Steph averaged 19-4-6 on 30-21-90 splits against the Bulls on the season series, Bulls have a good defender in every position, only problem is that can we handle their game-changing offense with our more taller defense?

It’s definitely possible their small-ball lineup would destroy the Bulls, but this same Warriors team had a hard time containing Timothy Mazgov, imagine what they have to do trying to contain a trio of Gasol, Noah, and Gibson on the team.

In my opinion, I think we can really give them a really strong fight but not sure we could actually beat them, but I’m sure that we can make this series long and possibly even win the series.

So what do you guys think?

by Rdogisyummy


  1. Rdogisyummy

    To make a correction that Steph’s splits were actually 36-21-90 against the Bulls in the season series.

  2. Gyshall669

    Could we have? Yeah absolutely. We wouldn’t be favorites but we’d give them a run

  3. changeshobbiesdaily

    nobody was beating the warriors that year be fr

  4. elchoppe

    in an alternative timeline where rose never got hurt maybe, otherwise no

  5. I don’t think so. Competitive games, sure, but win the series? No. A finals trip still would have been very cool though.

    2011 was the year.

  6. breighvehart

    Blatt definitely called the timeout and it definitely should’ve been 3-1.

    Could we have won? Absolutely. Would we have won? Probably not.

  7. Chronomenter_

    they probs wouldn’t of beat the warriors but it would prevent any argument garpax would have to blow up that core.

  8. AnxiouslyMikey1111

    We probably lose to the warriors but they would have beaten Dallas in 2011

  9. kingralek

    With god, all things are possible. However, the probability just ain’t there.

  10. threemileallan

    Yes, wtf is happening in this thread. Why is everyone scared of the Warriors that year? They were beatable and nearly lost a few times.

    Let’s not conflate the KD warriors with the 2015 warriors.

    Remember we beat them on the road that year. They almost lost to OKC and Memphis. AND Memphis lost their PGs.

  11. threemileallan

    Jesus christ were some of posters in this thread even alive??? The warriors were not that good in 2015

  12. dentedpat

    We could have won if Steph and/or Klay had gotten injured. Otherwise no. Teams with unathletic big men (and by that time Noah had lost a step or two defensively because of accumulated injuries, and Gasol was 34) were exactly the kind of team that the Warriors feasted on. We had a good defense that year in part because a lot of the league had not adjusted their playstyle yet (becasue the Warriors hadn’t shown you could be dominant with such a perimeter oriented team yet), and we were built for the old way of playing.

    Now if it was prime D-Rose who could go basket to basket with an entire team? Maybe then we could have beaten a healthy Warriors. The only Warriors player with a chance of staying in front of Rose was Klay and I don’t think even prime Klay could have done it. That also puts Steph on Butler for a lot of plays and that wouldn’t have worked well for the Warriors.

  13. alleyhoopers48

    I definitely think the Bulls could have won it all barring no injuries. Losing Gasol against the Cavs really hurt. And the Blatt Technical didn’t help.

    We beat the Warriors at home thanks to a sweet Rose jumper, but lost at home by 10. Considering that Rose was incrementally getting better I think he would have increased his level of play during the Finals.

  14. DatAspie2000

    In retrospect, what bugs me about the Cavs series is that they were without Kevin Love and the Bulls still weren’t able to beat them. We were considered favorites to win the east that year, especially before the Kevin Love trade. Instead, they were inconsistent after their 25-10 start, let the Bucks win 2 games against them, blew a 13 point lead when they had a chance to go up 3-1 on Cleveland, lost game 5 and folded in game 6. Then GarPax was stupid enough to hire Fred Hoiberg aaaaand….. I could go on and on.

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