@Minnesota Timberwolves

Rasheed Wallace goes after Ant’s comments regarding Michael Jordan’s era. “He’s [Anthony Edwards] not better than a Derrick McKey, he’s not better than a Grant Hill, he’s not better than a Scottie Pippen…”

Also says Ant is not a defender lmao

by Significant-Fix-5831


  1. irishace88

    He’s definitely better than any of those players were at 22.

  2. purplenyellowrose909

    Old basketball players are the most insecure people on the planet. The fact we’re still commenting on this is crazy.

    But Shaq telling Jokic he shouldn’t have won mvp to his face on national tv at the man’s own award ceremony and then telling everyone he was more dominant than Jokic by far takes the cake.

  3. Duster_beattle

    Old heads being sensitive as fuck still over a shit posting comment? God this is so boring. 🥱

  4. Successful_Candy_759

    Athletes are at their peak right now and it will only continue to rise. Nutrition, training, medicine, etc. everything is better now and athletes have more tools and support to excel at their game.

    Older athletes are insecure as fuck

  5. Longjumping_Fig1489

    lmao, ant and gobert are the talk of the offseason. we made it boys

  6. TomatilloPleasant314

    lol who cares what this old mf says

  7. lol. Derrick McKey. That invalidates anything else he has to say.

  8. omahawizard

    It’s funny cause I sort of see this as old timers also fucking back at Ant. And we’re all getting really bent out of shape about it saying they’re just insecure. Bros, this is OG shit talking and it’s working lol

  9. KickerofTale

    The butterfly effect of ants throw away comments really show that all eyes are on him.

    Any retired player reacting to this should feel silly for even doing so.

  10. MiloGoesToTheFatFarm

    Bro, this comment is never going away

  11. HawaiianPunch42

    The season gotta start ASAP. I’m sick of reading headlines about this or some random player shitting on Gobert

  12. beermangetspaid

    Old heads are so mad because Ant is right. The skill level and athleticism now is night and day compared to the 90s

  13. immortalis

    Imma wait for 15 other podcasts to weigh in first

  14. CommercialLeg2439

    Oldheads love to hate on this team. Fuck em’.

  15. JaderMcDanersStan

    Man Ant really pissed people off lol

    It’s funny because he started out by basically saying he doesn’t know anything about that era and his opinion isn’t valid 💀 but then proceeds to say that opinion anyway…

  16. PsyopSurrender

    Ant is not better than Pippen, and not better than Hill at his prime. He doesn’t have that kind of decision making yet. If ever IDK.

    I don’t even know who McKey is lol. Pippen has rings, was one of the best perimeter defenders of all time, and he was also stacked and long, strong as a horse, et cetera. Ant has a ways to go before he gets past those kinds of guys. Hill got injured, but his peak was going to be better than Ant too.

    I like Ant a lot, but his decision making is trash, and he has a hard time leading a team. His IQ seems low just in general. He’s like a goofy, dumb MJ without the the ability to lead right now, but he’s also super young.

  17. SkunkyTrousers

    Take the microphones away. Basketball coverage is pathetic. Talk about the game, explain schemes, go in depth about the tone of the locker room when you’re prepping for the season or battling for a rotation spot, give insights that only players and coaches have. All of these headline grabbing arbitrary takes about top 10 lists, and who then is better than who now is the lowest form of sports media. Anyone who listens to Gilbert Arenas or shit like this and complains about ESPN’s coverage is a hypocrite. Media companies will produce what you consume, don’t contribute, and it’ll be a thing of the past. I feel bad for former athletes who know how to talk ball but get lumped in with this.

  18. jchunk13

    I don’t get this back and forth between eras. Old heads on podcasts talking about the good ole days are just trying to stay relevant at this point. Wish we could let that era be great, and recognize this era of athletes are taking the game to new levels.

  19. Lungclap

    It’s hilarious how a 22 year old talking out of his ass is stirring the pot. 😂

  20. foye2smith

    Posted this multiple times but if you asked young Sheed if he thought the players from the 70s were as talented as his peers he’d say something like “outside of the legends, no.”

    This whole thing is just a lack of awareness by everyone involved, including Ant.

    We’re talking 25+ years ago. These kids aren’t grinding NBA on NBC tape.

    It’s how time and legacy works. A select few will be remembered and revered and the rest forgotten.

    25+ years from now some kid will think Ant played with a bunch of bums too.

  21. ShakesbeerMe

    What utter nonsense from Sheed.

    Who the fuck is Derrick McKey?!?

  22. twovles31

    It’s funny that the old players get butthurt by not being respected, and than do the exact same thing by not respecting the new players.

  23. NBA coverage and drama is so bad. A bunch of he said she said crap. Speculation and dick measuring contests. Sheesh. We need more substance, this is just silly.

  24. Sharcbait

    My favorite part of this discourse is how the older players are consistently talking about how the young players are soft and how they couldn’t exist in the previous era. But as soon as the conversation is turned that the old players aren’t talented enough to play in the current era it’s all about how there is no respect.

  25. Kalvahyn

    Ant has something to prove. He’s going to be fired up.

  26. MC_Ball_Peen_Hammer

    Ball don’t lie, but Sheed does.

  27. A Wolves team led by Derrick McKey and an unplayable center made the conference finals. What does that say about the rest of the league?

  28. junkeee999

    Pippen was maybe a better all around team player. But Ant is already better than the other two. And yes I was a big Grant Hill fan, so I’m not downplaying his talent at all.

  29. whiterice_343

    This dude Rasheed must be taking a page out of Sheryl Swoopes book to be saying all this using McKey as a reference 🤦.

  30. PsyopSurrender

    It’s crazy seeing kids shit their pants when people actually start responding. Crying about insecurity lmao. As if any of these fools give a shit about insecurity. They are living their lives out just doing podcasts and raking in cash.

    That’s how you know this zoomer gen is a bunch of princesses lol. All talk. ALL TALK.

  31. EmmitSan

    I need ANT to comment on this, because I am pretty sure he’d say “I’m sorry, but who the fuck is Derrick McKey!?”

  32. coleslonomatopoeia

    This is probably the most tiresome topic I’ve witnessed on this thread.

  33. FlyingScissor

    It’s crazy how in every other sport there’s been huge advances in athleticism and scheme to where the talent across the board is considered the best in the world and could be competitive in every era across history except basketball. Where somehow the talent has grown across the globe, the offense and defense is the most complex its ever been, the court is spread out from sideline to sideline, and with a pace and efficiency that has never been better. But these old timers think that players nowadays couldn’t handle a game where peak efficiency was dribbling the ball for 20 seconds 1 pass and a pull up jumps hot from 18 feet. 20 years ago folks heads exploded because the Suns were running basic pick and roll to the top of the West. Pop evolved the game by running actions to get corner 3s.

    Nobody in football thinks the league should go back to I formations because it is better than rpo or spread offense. Nobody thinks defense was peak at the tampa 2. Yet basketball discourse remains in the stone age cuz people can’t accept that maybe basketball has advanced since the MJ years.

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