@National Basketball Association

Evan Fournier’s more-than-warm welcome in Greece, and why he chose to leave the NBA after 12 years

Evan Fournier’s more-than-warm welcome in Greece, and why he chose to leave the NBA after 12 years

by DrunkLad


  1. Getyodamnwallet

    Wizards fans are better and more intelligent

  2. thy_armageddon

    To think they used to conquer entire empires. Now look at ‘em, wylin’.

  3. Robinsonirish

    Why did you have to put a clickbaity title instead of just “Greek fans welcome Fournier in their own way” or something.

    You sure he didn’t just leave the NBA because he hardly got any playtime?

  4. TheAerial

    Yeah I mean from his perspective I definitely get why he was inclined to goto Olympiacos over Washington lol.

    A) Sit on the bench struggling for playing time on a team likely to struggle all year in an environment where there is zero enthusiasm towards you.


    B) Go live in Greece for a few years, where they have a legion of fans super excited to have you where you’ll get to finally compete again, getting significant playing time and a big role on a top Contender in EuroLeague.

    Kind of a no brainer for a guy at that stage of his career lol.

  5. Certain_Cranberry_77

    He’s that exited for playing time. Good for him.

  6. He chose to leave because he didn’t get good offers in the NBA where he’d get playing time and a chance to compete. He literally said that himself.

  7. BramptonBatallion

    I think being a 31 year old DND-CD on the Knicks and then closing the season out playing 18 minutes a game on a 14 win team is usually a good indicator of why a guy is heading to Europe.

  8. FlatulenceConnosieur

    Kuzma and Poole are great tank commanders, I don’t think Fournier will be missed

  9. actual_yellow_bag

    playing in Greece is probably better than playing for more than half of the teams in the NBA minus the money.

  10. SolidCat1117

    Because the Greeks wrote a bigger check?

  11. alta_vista49

    What kind of money would he had been offered in the league? He’s been at the $17-18m per season for years and now is taking either 2 or 2.5 per season in Greece. What would he have got in the nba?

  12. Medium_Active1729

    I would take euroleague over nba bench too.

  13. idonnousernames

    Ngl I forgot this dude existed… Lemme Google mans real quick see what he’s been upto

  14. StarScourge7

    LOL like this man had a choice, what team was willing to put his no playing defense ass back out there.

  15. thodoris99

    Don’t ask what they are chanting hahahha. Epic

  16. Kevin_Jim

    He has no idea of the level of profanity that is going on around him, and it makes it all that much fun.

    As an Olympiacos fan, I can’t wait to see what Bartzokas (Olympiacos HC, and IMHO the best European coach right now) will cook this season.

  17. SameCategory546

    Guys if you want to see a really cool highlight of Evan in Greece, just go to google image and search “Fournier”

  18. Mindless_Bid_5162

    Nba is too corporate now. This was the energy back in the day

  19. SouthCorgi420

    I hope more NBA players will do this. It’s such a treat to watch the likes of Dwight, Cousins, and Lin ball out in my country even if it’s for just a short while

  20. No-Plan-8837

    Same with Pat Bev. Mans like a king out there

  21. havohej_

    Those Euroleague fans light fireworks and jump up and down and chant over some bozo inbounding the ball Lolol

  22. TurnShot6202

    Finally he can play actual basketball instead of the rigged/ carry/ travel/ zero IQ/ Iso-heavy highlight league. Euroleague is basketball peak.

  23. -_-402-_-

    Why be a small fish in a big pond when you can be a big fish in a small pond 🐠👑🤴

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