@Milwaukee Bucks

Rafer “Skip 2 My Lou” Alston owns r/Mkebucks Best Handles. Now for Best Shooter – who takes the cake?

Rafer “Skip 2 My Lou” Alston owns r/Mkebucks Best Handles. Now for Best Shooter – who takes the cake?

by a_lovesupreme


  1. a_lovesupreme


  2. higglejiggle

    Ray Allen will most likely win this and I wouldn’t be mad. I just want to point out that Allen, Redd and Middleton are actually close in all time fg% and 3pt% as a Buck.

  3. why are even voting, man was a top 5 shooter OF ALL TIME

  4. Squeakerpants

    Sorry just seeing these award winners. Giannis is the best all time passer? So like if we gave him TJ Ford’s passing it would be a downgrade?

  5. Tubbypolarbear

    For someone who was too young to appreciate Ray Allen when he was a Buck, was he anywhere near as good of a shooter as he was in his prime with Boston/Miami? I know he was a lot more athletic and explosive in his younger days, and am wondering if he developed his shot as his body started to breakdown?

  6. Dino_FGO8020

    Ray Allen, then either Michael Redd or Khris Middleton, followed by Brian Winters

  7. amusicsteiner

    Ray motherfucking Allen. That man is a legend.

  8. GuntasSingh23

    We’re gonna have a kareem-Tac-Toe with the best in the post vote

  9. BanjoStory

    Ray Allen is probably the answer, especially if you consider his time after the Bucks. Feels bad the Middleton will not get any shine on this, though.

  10. BlazinBuck

    Ray will take this, but just want to shout out one of my favs from the 80’s teams Ricky Pierce. (also hoping that Dame will play enough games as a Buck to take this mantle some day)

  11. chris4sports

    Shout-out Redd and Middleton but it’s obviously Ray Allen

  12. TraySplash21

    Bummer that Dame probably isn’t gonna appear on this grid because of his short tenure but I’d say you could argue him in both the best handles and best shooter

  13. EvrythngFascinatesMe

    Short stint with the bucks JJ Redick 👍🏻

  14. bucksinsixtynine

    “At guard from Connecticut…6 foot 5, number 34, Raaaaaaaay Allen!”

    I can still hear his Bradley Center intro in my head 20+ years later. Core childhood memory.

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