@Minnesota Timberwolves

[Rudy Gobert] It is sad to see someone that has accomplished as much as you did @SHAQ both in sport and business still be triggered by another man’s finances and accomplishments. I get the entertainment part but unlike other folks, you don’t need that stuff to stay relevant.

[Rudy Gobert] It is sad to see someone that has accomplished as much as you did @SHAQ both in sport and business still be triggered by another man’s finances and accomplishments. I get the entertainment part but unlike other folks, you don’t need that stuff to stay relevant.

by irishace88


  1. SlowCrates

    Overall, pretty classy, yet needling statement. I don’t think Shaq can counter that without either apologizing, or looking like a massive asshole.

  2. Mayasngelou

    I love that we had so much success last year and yet we’re still getting a ton of hate and doubt this offseason. I think it’ll help fuel the team’s motivation so they don’t rest on their laurels

  3. PatBev_Clamped_Ja

    Crazy to me how disrespected Rudy is. Dude has won 4 DPOYs and came up through the g league. He puts his head down and works. But these clowns keep coming for him with no rhyme or reason. Weird asses

  4. I’m actually really happy Rudy responded and in this way. The hate was seriously getting out of control. I hope Shaq is able to self reflect on this a bit, I think he was definitely out of line with those comments 100%.

  5. villain75

    Rudy is right on this one. Shaq is being petty and messy because he figures everyone else hates Rudy too. Why not jump on the dog pile?

  6. crispykfc

    imagine being a retired nba player hating on another player’s success that’s still in the league. shouldn’t the old heads be supportive of the current generation of players’ success? Especially for a player like Shaq, it comes off as extremely bitter

  7. MC_Ball_Peen_Hammer

    Cuz they know, and so do I. The high road is hard to find. Rudy found it.

  8. foye2smith

    Rudy said you’re broke, Shaq. Maybe Gobert can lend you some money so you don’t have to whore yourself out to American General.

  9. TommyOfTheShelbys

    I usually wouldn’t care about that stuff but did think that it was a bit odd of Shaq to so openly and unnecessarily be that much of a prick. Being that annoyed about other grown men is strange. He could of said a lot worse but calling Ben Simmons a bum is just weird, regardless of how his recent years have been as a player. As Rudy said, there’s the entertainment side of it and then there’s this. Deep down Shaq knows Rudy has had a great career with impressive accolades, and he ain’t even done yet but he needs to scratch that itch and talk crap about someone

    As i said, he could of said worse but I’m sure it’s not nice to hear someone like Shaq say this stuff and for all we know could affect their mental health somewhat, especially Simmons who’s trying to get back to a certain level.

    Anyway, at least Rudy has the balls to tag him and was a lot classier about things.

  10. Otherwise-Contest7

    So in the last 2 days, Barkley said the Wolves are frauds and will come back down to earth, and Shaq goes ad hominem on Gobert…

    Shaq had been tearing down others because he’s insecure about his career being diminished by newer younger players, and because his personal life has been poor lately.

    He might be the most insecure former player in the media.

  11. Good_Panic_7459

    Gobert’s perspective is worth noting. He’s always been insightful about the team’s dynamics.

  12. nhthelegend

    Damn, pretty elite response by Rudy. Ignoring is usually the move I’d opt for, but I think clapping back in this restrained manner is very respectable & understandable.

  13. AdministrationStuff

    Rudy has mastered the high road statement that makes the other party look like an ass if they try to respond with anything other than an apology

  14. FireFrogs48

    The only reason people hate on Rudy is because he’s not the type of player to put up 20 ppg but he will absolutely lockdown any center in the league. That’s his game but yet people don’t like it

  15. Pointless_Rhetoric

    This is very eloquent yet savage. Hitting him where it hurts. The $$$$. Shaq will be even more triggered now. He’ll attempt to save face but it’s so obvious it’s an ego thing and centered around money, not basketball.

  16. slapnoodle

    Shaq is a tool. He has always been insecure despite his success for whatever reason. The “Kobe, tell me how my ass tastes” rap after winning a title with Miami comes to mind

  17. Rudy is worthy of some criticism, sure, but he is handling all this so well. I was already a big fan after how much he helped the team last year (and seemingly matured, tbh) – but this response made me that much more of a fan.

    If you’re dogging on his accomplishments in 2024, you really sound like you don’t know what you’re talking about.

  18. Pyschic_Psycho

    I love Shaq as a player and still think his game is underappreciated. But my god, every time he opens his mouth, it’s usually the dumbest thing a person can say. It’d gotten to the point that I’ve never taken anything he says seriously, whether it’s heartfelt or clickbait.

  19. HideUnderBridge

    It’s been really hard to like Shaq since Rudy joined the team. Rudy seems like a super good dude and Shaq just kinda seems like a douchebag

  20. CommercialLeg2439

    I used to like Shaq man, it only took like 6 months for him to make me hate him.

  21. penis_hernandez

    This is who Shaq has always been, except now being an ex-NBA player who says incredibly dumb shit is a 24/7 industry instead of something we only had to endure for a couple hours a week on TNT.

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