@National Basketball Association

Mike Miller and Haslem’s reactions to ShamsCharania saying he voted Gobert for DPOY

Mike Miller and Haslem’s reactions to ShamsCharania saying he voted Gobert for DPOY

by tariqnasheedW


  1. Cold_Carpenter_1798

    Itā€™s basically become a trend to shit on Gobert at this point

  2. dys0n_giddey

    Obviously people have nothing better to worry about than hating on Rudy Gobert?

  3. JoelEmbiidismyfather

    Haslem laughing like he’s isn’t memorable for anything other than being a glorified cheerleader and pretend tough guy for almost 2 decades.

  4. Former Heat players reacting this way because they wanted Bam to win is understandable.

  5. Bookstorm2023

    Is Rudy one of the top 20 guys in the league right now? I firmly say no (IMHO). Is Rudy a top 5 defender? I firmly say yes.

    It seems like the guys in the league refuse to recognize the second point in part because of the first point.

  6. Theyā€™re ā€œthe ogsā€ of what exactly? Collecting checks long after they had any nba value? Getting dragged by better players to success?

  7. Imaginary-Ebb-1724

    Legends, rookies, bench warmers, starters

    Who hasnā€™t trashed Gobert? Does he even have supporters?

  8. Spiritual_Boss6114

    Haslem acting like he wasn’t a cheerleader/assistant for 10 years after LeBron left.

    Rudy is making the HOF . I hope he balls out for the T-Wolves.

  9. Putrid-Sherbert5501

    This entire discussion just needs to stop. People argue that shaq is bitter as fuck and Lively shouldnā€™t talk shit about Rudy because he has 4 DPOY but then agree heā€™s overrated and overpaid and doesnā€™t deserve it.

    He really canā€™t be both a fantastic player and a shitty player at the same time. He has substantial limitations, whilst making 1/4 of a BILLION DOLLARS. You hate him or you donā€™t. But lets discontinue this shit where we all get on here and spout our own personal opinions while simultaneously saying people who are vets and hall of famers, rookies and nba analyst are out of line for sharing theirs.


    Itā€™s about the timberwolves and they love their dude. Let it go Elsaā€¦

  10. No_Werewolf_6517

    Not a fan of Rudy but he anchored that defense in Minnesota which led them to an WCF.

    Did the same in Utah.

    The defamation and slander is crazy right now

  11. raylan_givens6

    sorry, he was worthy of being DPOY

    its just mob mentality piling on at this point cause some guys are too cowardly to go against the grain and support Gobert

  12. Oh_No_Jason

    Basketball podcasting is the fucking worst. Itā€™s all garbage- all of it.

  13. dorknewyork

    Itā€™s actually kinda crazy the blatant disrespect the dude consistently gets, and he doesnt acknowledge most of it

  14. Dillion Brooks and Draymond Green hit dudes in the dick and they still donā€™t get this level of hate that Gobert got from NBA players

  15. This sub is so defensive of Gobert lol. Not saying he is not over-hated but geez.

  16. Magazine_Mediocre

    I can’t with this stuff anymore. Talk about something else, please.

  17. Cocknballtorture90

    i mean i get Haslems reaction, heā€™s a heat guy and bam always has a case for the award.

  18. Soopstoohot

    My team made the western conference finals last year for the first time in 20 years. This conversation can suck my dick

  19. TheOneWhosCensored

    Rudy played more minutes this postseason than Haslem did the last 7 years of his career, and yet heā€™s trying to talk smack.

  20. 2017Champs

    When it comes to Rudy Gobert debates it always amuses me that Reddit has some superiority complex about its opinions and always supports Gobert even though all the players and fans everywhere else outside of Minnesota and Utah to a degree agree that heā€™s overrated. Does he deserve to be called a bum or the worst player in the league like Shaq was saying? No, but at the same time if almost everyone else including the people who actually play the game for a living seem to agree that this guy is overrated, itā€™s time to take a look in the mirror and see youā€™re the one who is wrong.

  21. Quote-me-if-afk

    The Gobert hate is getting kinda weird.

  22. Julio_Freeman

    Why was this posted? Itā€™s not very interesting on its own and thereā€™s no context.

  23. thePHEnomIShere

    Has anyone who made more money or won more shit than Rudy ever criticized him. It’s all bitter old heads I feel and guys in the NBA who can’t stand that he’s a french genetic freak making 200 mil

  24. LongDongFuey

    At this point, I hope rudy wins another one. If people want to hate on what he does offensively, or the way he shrinks the floor on offense, fine. But, the disrespect to his defense is so crazy.

  25. The_Grogfather

    Yā€™all gotta realise the nba is like high school. Super cliquey and the oneā€™s who get bullied get shit on relentlessly by dudes who want to be in the ā€˜coolā€™ group

  26. tatlongaraw

    I think Gobert getting DPOY is fine because in regular season they are top seed. I first thought he is fraud in Utah and they are winning because of Mitchell and the system. Now they are in both good team Mitchell cant even carry the Cavs in weak East. While Gobert is sitting in the top of hard west. The only problem with Gobert is the money he get because it is not worth it for his playoff performance.

  27. Big_MAC113

    Timberwolves will see everyone in the WCF again. Lol people say dumb shit way too much lately.

  28. dillasdonuts

    Holy shit does every NBA player have a podcast now?

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