@Philadelphia 76ers

My point guard

My point guard

by pickledelbow


  1. If he’s still got the same shooting touch and speed with this new muscle mass, the league is fucked. Seriously, the last thing other teams want to see is a non-skinny version of Maxey.

  2. Cahillicus

    It’s pics like this that remind me he’s from Dallas/Fort Worth area

  3. Different-Ad9986

    Mad Maxey


  4. NoREEEEEEtilBrooklyn


  5. thebobbyshaw33

    This the same girl he was with before?

  6. Grossly_over_ripened

    Looks like he’s already arrived in New Jersey

  7. TheGracefulSlick

    Kinda cringe, but he is going to drop 27 points a game so I don’t mind.

  8. JiveChicken00

    Is that Lavender? She’s looking pretty good too 🙂

  9. GryanGryan

    Maxey needs to grow up. He got a bag, now he thinks he’s above us regular Joes. You think we even want to trade places with you? Getting sweat on and pushed around by giants? The whole world paying attention to your every move? No thanks.

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