@New York Knicks

Anybody else think the league needs to eject players for this type of foul?


by SirGingerbrute


  1. Should’ve been a flagrant 2 it was unnecessary and excessive. Not even a play on the ball he’s grabbing someone at a very vulnerable instant that could result in injury. Jokic got ejected in that phoenix playoff game in 2021 but I thought this was clearly worse and Embiid got a slap on the wrist.

  2. ManufacturerNew9888

    I was LIVID that Embiid was allowed to stay in the game. What a shitty play. Any other player would have been instantly ejected. Besides, we all know Mitch Robinsons legs are made of glass.

  3. They do. Look what happened to Josh Hart and that was accidental. What they need to do is eject “star” players for this type of foul.

  4. mattbrianjess

    In the moment I thought he should have been suspended for the playoffs and after roughly 10,000 replays I stand by my reaction.

    Non basketball play with intent to injure. As dirty a non punch I have seen perhaps ever

  5. i-piss-excellence32

    Most players would’ve been ejected

  6. NewSlang212

    Anyone not named Embiid would have been suspended there.

  7. FuckThatIKeepsItReal

    If that happened during the regular season I think it would’ve been a suspension

  8. Embiid did more than enough in the first 5mins of that game to be ejected twice.

    You got two separate nut shots on two players, two flagrant fouls, and then this.

    I don’t ever want to hear Sixers fans cry about Embiid’s whistle again after the grace he was given in that game.

  9. Hallal_Dakis

    Embiid is a cripple so the only way he will ever get a deep playoff run is if the league gifts him one make-a-wish style. It’s not about the merits.

  10. theyre0not0there

    Suspend. There is no place for deliberately trying to injure someone.

  11. KuntaWuKnicks

    It is
    Some are just protected by the league because of their bitch ass status

  12. jjazznola

    He deserved it but tough to eject a star player in the playoffs.

  13. literally everyone lol. youre like 4 months late btw

  14. confuddly

    This was 100% an ejection. The other dirty fouls by Embiid this series I thought our sub overreacted a lot on, but this one is an ejection

  15. He should have at the very least been ejected and the league loses credibility for not acting.

  16. TheFirelongsword

    If this is allowed not worthy of an ejection. It sets the precedent that intentionally injuring a key player of the other team only costs a couple foul shots.

  17. capitalistsanta

    Idk tbh. If you’re ever playing basketball as intense as playoff ball in the NBA you know your body just does knee jerk shit sometimes. It’s hard to tell what’s what. Going onto an NBA court is like going into the most intense basketball game in your life, you’re playing against people who want to be Kobe and LeBron, so these guys are all locked the fuck in, unless they’re just naturally fucking superstars who can swing their arms and touch their toes for like 3 minutes before the game and give you 25/10.

  18. The_SqueakyWheel

    Thats ridiculous man I’m not gunna lie. Thats a football maneuver with no pads

  19. FullHouse222

    Stars get exceptions unfortunately. Embiid should have been ejected and fined/suspended for that but since he’s one of the “faces” of the league, he can pretty much do anything he want on the court outside of an out right murder.

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