@Denver Nuggets

Zeke Nnaji is the Nuggets 5th Highest Paid Player

This is old news but was looking at the Nuggets contracts with Mal’s extension and can’t really get over Zeke being this high on the list. I figured when it was signed it was for salary matching reasons but did it really require a four year deal? Should we expect a Zeke trade this season? Feels like that money could really be utilized else where but I’ve never really understood that deal if anyone has any takes on it.

by Longjumping-Fun-8151


  1. mrCrumbSnatcher

    He’s going to win the 6th man of the year award. Ya’ll just don’t know it yet.

    In seriousness, I’m guessing they would try and trade if they could, but that’s a pretty bad contract and probably not a lot of takers. I’m guessing we are stuck with it until a year is left on it.

    Booth has done some good and bad things. That was definitely a bad one.

  2. LurkerFailsLurking

    Nuggets contracts make no damn sense. KCP would’ve deserved whatever we needed to beat to keep him, Murray, MPJ, and Nnaji are all overpaid. 

  3. Affectionate-Flan-99

    What in god’s name were they thinking with that?

  4. drums_addict

    Well, Zeke needs to get with the program and be a fucking basketball star. He has the tools and has the time to hone his craft. It’s on him to play his game and level up. We need him to be who we know he can be.

  5. Weird-Upstairs-2092

    This is really disingenuous. He’s making just over twice the vet min.

    If we’re being honest with ourselves, he has not been as severe of a cap liability than the difference in production between MPJ and his contract, or even the *regular season* production disparity between Jamal and his contract.

    And I’m not saying that to hate on either of them. I love them, I’m happy about their contracts and believe in their continued development (especially MPJ). I’m just saying the amount of liability that Nnaji represents is severely overblown by the fanbase. It sucks, but it’s not some unprecedented disaster. It’s the type of small mistake that almost every team has on their roster almost every year.

    If Jamal played like the healthy playoff Jamal we know, no one would be obsessing over this contract. There are bigger things to worry about like the health of Jamal, the mental health of AG (not saying he’s shown any reason to worry, it’s just still an important thing to keep in mind), the development of Braun/Watson, etc.

  6. TedSturgeon5

    “Zeke Nnaji is the 5th highest paid player on the team” is going to be the one phrase most strongly associated with the Nuggets this year

  7. pitiburi

    Truth be told, Jokic and Gordon are the only big contracts in the team that produce according to the money. Ofc the others have quality, but you can easily make an argument of production being well under what they are being paid.

    But this is what the NBA is right now, I guess. Still, not using the Jokic card to attract other superstars means Front Office have been really, really bad at their job.

  8. soberpenguin

    Never should have been extended early. He should be playing for the contract this year. He hasn’t shown anyone he’s a bona-fide nba player.

  9. lovecreamer

    Wait, so Jokic is only getting 9-10 million more than Murray? Is that right? I’m pretty ignorant…

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