@Utah Jazz

Can Keyonte George make a leap in year two?

I spoke with the mods first before sharing this, and thought it was a relevant topic due to taking a look at Keyonte George's game. I recently made a video looking at his offensive game, and saw some interesting things. He has really impressive touch that on floaters/runners and shot well off the dribble, but surprisingly struggled shooting off the catch. I also thought he showed some intriguing passing, but like many young guards was still learning what types of passes he can make against NBA defenses. Was also interested to hear what Jazz fans thought about Keyonte's game. Do you think long term he can run the point, or is he more of a combo guard? Looking forward to hearing what types of expectations you have for him this upcoming season.

by amr1992


  1. SenHeffy

    I can’t see Keyonte being a difference making player at SG. While he definitely has a lot of huge deficits at PG still, I want the Jazz to keep trying to develop him exclusively as a PG, because he has a much higher ceiling at that position. Having said that though, I have no idea if he’ll be able to cut it as a PG or not in the long run. He was a turnover machine, and statistically was about the worst defender in NBA history (seriously). It’s not really surprising for rookie PGs to struggle at that position, and he didn’t even experience playing PG in college, and he did show plenty of flashes at times. He is still a project even though he got a lot of playing time last year.

    This year I’m hoping he can improve his shooting efficiency, turnovers, and defensive awareness in year 2.

  2. Sundancer2024

    He is going to be the next Steph Curry

  3. gray_character

    100%. You could already see it in summer league. His efficiency needs improvement but let’s remember that Mitchell had the same criticism. This often happens when a young player is given too big of a role too early. He’ll grow into it.

  4. I think the most likely to really break out is Sexton.

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