@Toronto Raptors

Chris Childs practically eliminates the Raptors from the 2002 Playoffs by-himself with a horrendous last minute in a deciding game 5.

Chris Childs practically eliminates the Raptors from the 2002 Playoffs by-himself with a horrendous last minute in a deciding game 5.

by PickledPeppers101


  1. repoman042

    I remember this like it was yesterday lol. My friends and I still talk about this all the time

  2. TheHandsomeHero

    What a shot by dell.
    Miss Keon. Shame about his drinking. Dude was a player

    I remember watching this game live. Seemed fishy

  3. KingHoglund

    I remember listening to that on the radio cause it was past my bedtime. Fuck I’m old

  4. I was in absolute disbelief when I watched this on TV.. this is the 2nd time I’ve watched it ever.. it still pissed me off lol.

  5. NeoDragonKnight

    Was a bad ending to a pretty cinderella end of the season. As someone else said AD is probably the best long term center we ever had, and was ahead of his time in terms of being an undersized mobile center yet had the strength to battle the lumbering guys of the era. He was a great man defender, great help defender and rim protector and an ok offensive player, and a leader. People forget that after he left we had a huge hole in the center until Rasho and a list of crap centers between.

    Thing is, Chris Childs had a pretty good game up to that point, which made it super disappointing for him to make a crucial mistake. Curry should have had the shot as he was on fire that game.

    Also, I cannot find a clip but anyone remember during that series, Barry got called for a foul, he then ran to the scorers table next to the ref and put his shoe up on the table so he could tie it. The ref mistakened it for something aggressive and called a T on him, and the area started to jeer Baaaaaarrrry, Baaaaarrrryyyy. It was such an iconic and epic moment, that I am afraid is lost to time as no one remembers it, and no clips are available.

  6. Annual_Plant5172

    OP is really trying to make us olds relive our trauma.

  7. Kris-Lorenz

    Lenny Wilkins knew before the buzzer what was unfolding …. Legend

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